• Breaking News

    Sunday, April 19, 2020

    Don't Starve My husband and I met via Don't Starve Together modding. Because of this we had our wedding cake themed around the game. Klei even sent us a letter when they saw the cake.

    Don't Starve My husband and I met via Don't Starve Together modding. Because of this we had our wedding cake themed around the game. Klei even sent us a letter when they saw the cake.

    My husband and I met via Don't Starve Together modding. Because of this we had our wedding cake themed around the game. Klei even sent us a letter when they saw the cake.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    Today i was training in digital drawing and i decided to make a fanart of Wendy on my own style, hope you like it!

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 07:54 AM PDT


    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    A crappy piece of fan art (oc)

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    Maxwell decided to give me a visit.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    So I spawned a new world and saw this. Do pigcity usually have carrot and berry farms?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    B*tt clench

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    What's your most b*tt clenching moment in all Don't starve games you've played Mine is harvesting "anenemy" without getting damaged(DST)

    submitted by /u/TheAnimeLovers
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    An if weapon

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    If there was a weapon that deals 1% of the targets max HP per second and last for 2seconds would you take it or not? (weapon only for DST as enemy in DST have more health)

    submitted by /u/TheAnimeLovers
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    Do turfs spread/regrow?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Im planning a game with my brother and would like to eventually have cobblestone in surplus connecting us to the farther areas but I dont want to create a barren waste in the rocky biomes, if i removed the stone turf would it eventually come back?

    submitted by /u/undeadadventurer
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    Looking for friends to play Dont Starve Together with

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    I recently purchased DST for the PS4 so my girlfriend and I could play a split screen game together. As it turns out, the game is extremely fun and now Im hoping to find a few other people that would want to play with us.

    If anyone would like to play together on PS4 sometime, just shoot me a message!

    submitted by /u/ToastedNsloppy
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    Hey guys you want to see an old lady try to beat Moose Goose?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: This is not self advertising. I merely stumbled upon this nice old lady and really want to see her succeed.

    If you have a Twitch account go give EPDST a look. She's this sweet old lady who's been playing don't starve super casually for years and started streaming a couple of days ago because of the quarantine. Her stream is just so god damn wholesome and chill I love it. She's never really killed any boss except for Deerclops so I told her if she can get 50 followers and kill Moose Goose on stream I'd drop her a 6 month sub. She's already at 34 followers! Please take just 30 seconds out of your time and give her a follow so I can have the opportunity to subscribe to her. Both her stream and my boredom deserve it! Plus who knows, you might find a new favorite streamer!

    submitted by /u/ProxyPhantom
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    Tips for beginners?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Any useful tips or basic thing for new players?

    submitted by /u/isthatmyduck
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    Eye-bone in Dont starve together is missing?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    I have searched almost all the map except for the area with the dragonfly giant, magma, and hounds. I do not see the eye-bone symbol on the map, nor have I come across it. How can I find him now?

    submitted by /u/myownfreemind
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    Force Attack Question

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    I know the attack key attacks hostile enemies and force attack will also attack non-hostile enemies. However, non-hostile creatures like rabbits can also be attacked by just left clicking on them. What's the difference between left clicking a rabbit to attack versus force attacking them?

    submitted by /u/dragoon2745
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    What exactly does the pearl do?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Title. I know it makes the crab king fight insanely hard, but that's not really a purpose. Does anyone know if the pearl has any other uses?


    submitted by /u/WinSquidGaming
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    So i have an idea for a character, likely a modded one.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Their name is Ward, and they are the Twisted Priest. They have 125 hunger, 350 sanity, and 100 health. There instrument is a Church Organ. Ward has 3 main perks, and 4 disadvantages.


    Ward can use their starting item, the Cursed Staff, to do many magical things.


    Similar to Wickerbottom, they have a tier 1 crafting station permanently affecting them, this one being the Prestihatinator.


    Ward has a unique crafting tab, called the Divine tab.

    Their disadvantages are also very prominent.


    They refuse to take off the Dark Robes, an armour. While it provides 25% damage resistance, and has unlimited Durability, as well as 50% wetness resistance, it will not help with Summer or Winter.


    Ward relies on keeping their unique Faith stat to use anything magical. They even lose the permanent Prestihatinator if it reaches 0. If it stays at 0 for 2 days, they instantly get hit with lightning, and become Wilson, with very low stats, and none of the items they had before.


    They lose 1/2 as much sanity in all conditions. This may be good for some players, but the next curse makes this very bad.


    Ward killing Shadows gives you only 1 Pure Nightmare fuel. Pure nightmare fuel cant be used by others, and they must use pure nightmare fuel, they cant use the normal nightmare fuel at all.

    Any item sacrificed gives a set amount of faith. There is a general rule to what is good and bad to sacrifice. Basic resources are practically useless, giving about 1 to 2. Bushes, Saplings etc. give about 10, Crock pot dishes give anywhere from -5 with failed dishes, but all the way up to 50 with Dragon fruit Pie, Meaty Stews and Butter Muffins. In general, the higher stat restoration, the better to sacrifice. Pierogi actually angers the god Ward worships, draining 5 Faith per second for 25 seconds, and they begin destroying things with boulders, killing mobs with more boulders, lightning begins to set things on fire, and if a boss or mini boss monster is on screen, they will be fully healed. Ward, upon examining it, says 'It disgusts me, and my god always shares my feelings.' Gems all give you 25 faith, and boss drops all give 50. Anything from the Deerclops eye to Dragonfly scales. All refined items give you 3 faith.

    So lets talk about the Faith stat. This stats icon is sapphire blue, and the central icon shows a stick figure, and the higher the stat, the happier and more people there are, the lower, the sadder and lonelier. Don't think of this stat as devotion, more appeasement of the god. Onto the gameplay affecting part of this.

    They start out with 500 faith, and it can reach 1000. You lose 150 Faith per day. To get faith to rise, you must use the sacrificial altar. crafted with 6 stone and 4 cut grass. This altar lets you destroy items for faith. Only the Cursed Staff can light an item on fire. The flame that surrounds is purple above 300 Faith, so Ice Flingomatics will not be able to extinguish it. Below that, you may want to disable them. Purple flames are like Night Lights, They don't warm anything up, they cant spread the fire, but this one will not drain sanity for Ward. All other players lose 25 sanity, saying something along the lines of 'WHO DID THAT?!' so it can be good for getting nightmare fuel. Wendy only loses 15, saying 'Its like when Abigail returns' and Willow loses 10, saying 'What an odd flame, with such beauty!'

    How to raise Faith effectively

    Any item sacrificed gives a set amount of faith. There is a general rule to what is good and bad to sacrifice. Basic resources are practically useless, giving about 1 to 2. Bushes, Saplings etc. give about 10, Crock pot dishes give anywhere from -5 with failed dishes, but all the way up to 50 with Dragon fruit Pie, Meaty Stews and Butter Muffins. In general, the higher stat restoration, the better to sacrifice. Perogi actually angers the god Ward worships, draining 5 Faith per second for 25 seconds, and they begin destroying things with boulders, killing mobs with more boulders, lightning begins to set things on fire, and if a boss or mini boss monster is on screen, they will be fully healed. Ward, upon examining it, says 'It disgusts me, and my god always shares my feelings.' Gems all give you 25 faith, and boss drops all give 50. Anything from the Deerclops eye to Dragonfly scales. All refined items give you 3 faith.

    Finally, structures can be placed on this. Each structure actually causes the god to do something for you. 6 structures can be placed on it. A Lightning Rod makes the god throw lightning at your foes, 1 per each individual, for 1 minute after sacrificing it. A Pig, Merm or Rabbit home causes 12 of that creature to fall from the sky. They are dazed, and do nothing for 12 seconds, before behaving normally after then. A crock pot makes a giant fireball come out the pot. The fireball lights everything in a large zone on fire. This fire is never extinguished, unless the tree burns or the foe on fire dies. Finally, a Shadow Manipulator can be used, causing 25 shadow creatures to appear, and they will not attack you. They actually help you, by attacking anything you attack, but they only drop normal nightmare fuel if you attack them, which instantly turns them all on you.

    What is Faith used for?

    Faith is used with the Cursed staff for 3 things, with lighting altars being free. It can also attack foes, and for every 100 faith, it deals another 3 damage. At its lowest power, it deals the same damage as Woodie's axe. Firing the magical bolt removes 5 faith. Secondly, the Staff can be used to break rocks, trees etc. For 15 faith, you use the staff, and it falls/ breaks immediately. This takes the standard amount of time used for other magical effects, like summoning Abigail, but you can be very far from the foe, and it is useful with Poison Birchnuts. Finally, you can use it for creating items in their unique crafting tab. The divine tab has 2 sets of recipes. All recipes, excluding the Sacrificial Altar, consume faith. There are alone recipes, which require things you can get by yourself, and then there are together recipes, which need someone else present to reasonably or be able to get them at all. I say reasonably, because Wilson's, WX-78's, Wolfgang's, and Webber's don't need them present. There are not specific recipes for the other character, but they may be made.

    The Divine Tab

    First, the 6 alone recipes. The first is the Sacrificial Altar, which is mentioned before. The other recipes all take a magic staff, as well as 9 pure nightmare fuel and 100 faith. The Fire Staff makes the Infernal Scorcher, which warms you up to 50 degrees at a rate of 1 per second, and will warm the wielder forever. Using one of its 10 uses causes 3 foes to be hit with a bolt of flame, which causes them to produce light, and is now a permanent icon on the map. They are on fire forever, until death, and none of their loot is cooked, or even make into ash. They can only be lit on fire once. The Ice Staff becomes the Blizzard Rod, which makes the wielder cool down by 2 every second, and will chill you forever. This staff makes an area of the map be in Winter for 17 days. This is a somewhat large circle, and uses one of 10 uses. This area will spawn 2 Deerclops when it ends, and for the first 16 days, it is just winter. Day 17 is a full on blizzard, with minimal vison. When the cloud above it ends, 2 deerclops and found asleep, and will wake up as soon as all the snow on the ground goes, with is after 4 minutes. The Starcallers Staff becomes the Solar System Model, which is a structure. placing it down causes 4 stars to appear around it, as well as 2 to 5 meteors. Each meteor will fling itself at foes for 10 damage, and a new set of them appears after 30 seconds. The central Structure provides light to the edges of where the meteors appear, which is up to 4 pitchfork tiles away. The light lasts for the same duration as 12 of the stars, and the model can be refuelled with a Yellow Gem, giving it 9 stars worth of time again. All meteors will break if it runs out of durability. A Telelocator Staff becomes a Precision Warper, which lets you choose anywhere on the map you have already been, consuming one of 4 charges. A Deconstruction Staff becomes the Green Thunder, and it has 3 uses. The Green Thunder makes an item return everything from its construction, no matter what its made of or what its durability is.

    Now, the Character items. All of these take the specified item, as well as 10 pure nightmare fuel, and 250 faith. These only exist for characters in Together, as otherwise they wouldn't be obtainable.

    Wilson's uses 20 beard hair, and is the Scientific Method. This is a structure that makes you able to craft things anywhere, so long as you have crafted it before. The Scientific Method also makes crafted items have another 1 use, 10 durability, become 10% More fuel efficient, deal 1 more damage, etc. It makes everything slightly better.

    Willow's uses 3 of her lighter, and this becomes the Flaming Deity, an Amulet which makes burning wisps appear around you, which provide light. They also heal everyone in the light for 1 health every minute. Bernie is healed for 30 health every minute.

    Wolfgang's uses 6 Dark Swords, and it becomes the Shroud of Shadows. This is an armour which provides 65% damage resistance, while also providing 3 floating swords around you, which all attack foes when you are hit, each dealing 64 damage. This has a durability of 600.

    Wendy's uses 4 of Abigail's Flower, and this becomes the Mourning Glory, a structure which lowers all other characters sanity by 350 per minute, except Wendy's, where she has her sanity locked at whatever it was before it comes on screen. This structure is a large statue of Abigial before she died, and multiple flowers grow on it, growing up to the top on vines. A flower blooms each day, and each bloom counts as an extra ghost companion. With 150 health, dealing 1 battle spear of damage, each of these phantoms show up as soon as Abigail is summoned. These phantoms last until they take 150 damage, where the highest flower rots and falls off, giving rot. Up to 8 flowers can bloom, so 8 rot can be got at once.

    WX-78's item costs 25 gears, and is the Mechanical Clone. This structure starts as an egg of sorts, until 5 days pass, where it hatches into an unupgraded WX-78. Every 3 days, it gets 1 upgrade. This clone helps the main WX in anything it does. If it dies, it explodes. Only one can be had per WX-78.

    Wickerbottom's item costs 1 of each of her books. This creates the Call of Violence, which makes has 5 uses, and respawns a raid boss instantly. It also summons 12 tentacles around the raid boss.

    Woodie's uses Lucy, as well as 3 Golden axes. This make Ultimate Fell, a giant axe that makes all chopped trees give an extra 3 wood and 2 of the tree seeds, as well as chop trees 2.5x faster.

    Maxwell's Item requires 2 Codex Umbra's, and is the Definitive Codex. This version of the Codex lets you make gold tool wielding versions of your normal shadows, which chop and break at double the speed, as well as letting you make Shadow Savants, taking a Glass Cutter, 2 Nightmare fuel and 50% of Maxwell's sanity, Savants have 600 health, take 10% of incoming damage, and deal 50 damage per hit. They attack 3 times, before backing away, then going back in to attack. They deal double damage to shadows.

    Wigfrid's Item takes 2 Battle Spears and Battle Helmets, becoming the Warrior's Sanctuary, a headgear, which makes you take 50% less damage, and restores Heath and Hunger at the same rate as Health and Sanity. These do not stack, but others can wear them.

    Webber's Item takes 8 Spider Eggs, and this creates the Spider Citadel. The citadel makes a spider queen walk around the Citadel, as well as many Spider Warriors circle it. When the Citadel is attacked, 6 spiders and 8 warrior spiders come out, and this Citadel also spawns cave spiders, which come out during the evening and night, and during the night, lunar island spiders fall from the sky to help. up to 5 of both can spawn.

    Warly's Item consumes 3 portable Crock Pots, and this makes the Luxury Crock Pot. This makes all foods 30% faster, as well as making all foods without fillers into Luxury Foods, which gives you a 25% stat restoration boost to the food.

    Wormwood's Item takes 10 Bramble Traps, and this makes the Thorny Friend. This has 2000 health, and throws thorny vines at foes, causing 4 bramble traps to appear under foes, and these attack once before breaking. They take double fire damage, and freezes in one hit, over how others freeze. The Thorny Friend makes Wormwood deal 1.1x damage, and takes 1% less damage.

    Winona's Item takes 4 Trusty Tape, and a nearby Catapult. This makes the Shadow-Pult. This item fires shadowy blobs into the air, and when they land on a foe, dealing 100 damage to everyone in a zone of darkness. This is an attack from Charlie, so players can be hurt by it.

    Wortox's Item takes 20 devoured souls. These souls are obtained by placing them on a Sacrificial altar, giving 6.66 faith, and then the devoured souls come back down from the sky. This makes the Cursed Blade, which deals 47 damage, and for every soul in the wielders inventory, it deals an extra 7 damage.

    Finally, Wurt's item relies on their being a Merm king in the world. If one is there, it can be made with 50 kelp. This makes the Bulltiful Wig, which is a headgear, cooling the wearer by 2 degrees per second, and wearing it makes all merms nearby stronger, raising health by 25, damage by 15 and making them attack 25% faster. This rots after 28 days.

    So, how good is Ward as an idea?

    EDIT: So I missed 2 things, the first is an item for Wes, who can now make balloons out of 25 petals, and the second is he experiences unique Shadow Creatures.

    Wes' item takes up 2 balloons, and gives him the Inflatable Castle, a boat of sorts, which floats on water, but bursts if it hits anything. This also links up with cloth bridges to other castles. This is almost completely useless, but a fun item.

    Next, Ward's unique Shadow Creatures. Crawling Horrors become Screeching Isopods, which are basically carpets with 600 health. They roll up into balls, and roll at you. After rolling, they make a large damaging screech, dealing 50 damage. The rolls damage is twice as high. This screech makes 2 tiny shadow tentacles, like the ones the Thulicite Club. When they are killed, they drop 1 pure nightmare fuel. The Terrorbeaks are now Dark Readers, with only 10 health, Dark Readers take the form of very, very stretched out Wickerbottoms (Ward can read her books, as a side note) Which hold a cursed book. They summon 1 shadow tentacle, which, unlike normal tentacles, can be attacked twice before attacking again. They also can make the berries and grown crops become rot. Finally, the can also shoot bolts at you like Rooks can, dealing 35 damage. They drop 1 pure nightmare fuel, as well as having a 1% chance to drop an On Tentacles book, this one being at 1% Durability.

    submitted by /u/Banimikyu
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    I found the ultimate crab king fight

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    It may not look like it, but you can actually place more than one of Pearl's pearls into the crab king. Since the pearl acts as 3 of every gem, well... I think you can see where this is going.

    Imagine if someone actually beat this with the King's insane health pool and power.

    submitted by /u/WinSquidGaming
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    Where is my labyrinth at?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Adventure Mode Glitch

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    I was playing in Adventure Mode and I got this same glitch others shared here (but years ago) where you skip a whole chapter.

    It was very similar to this post.

    I was in chapter 4 and used the Teleportato to go the next chapter. I hit Let's Go and then another prompt appeared with two options (Continue and Main Menu), i clicked Continue. Then I appeared in the same world again with all my items in the ground. I used the Teleportato again and went to Epilogue.

    Since I didnt want to spoil the ending for me, I waited for my character to starve.

    Is there any way to prevent this bug from happening again?

    submitted by /u/SanicJorgehog
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    How can I defeat giants safely in lights out ?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    I got surprised by bearger as it followed me in the eternal night and I didn't expect it to come all the way to my base and destroy everything with a single attack (this also killed me). I thought the bearger would sleep just like the moose/goose.

    I usually rely on ice staff + gunpowder combo to defeat the giants but I can't get gunpowder in lights out because birds don't spawn (and pengulls sleep as soon as they jump from the ocean) so I can't get eggs.

    How can I defeat deerclops, bearger and moose/goose safely in the eternal night, without having to use a setpiece if possible ? I can't rely on pig villages and bunnymen farms take too long to build (also the giants may just destroy everything).

    I don't bother with the dragonfly because I spend summer in the cave (too afraid of random fires)

    submitted by /u/Rhyanek
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