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    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    Don't Starve Quick Question Megathread April

    Don't Starve Quick Question Megathread April

    Quick Question Megathread April


    If you have a quick question you can post it there. The post is stickied all month outside of announcement so don't worry someone will see it.

    Although old some of these links should help newcomers in the game:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Webber :)


    This is my firt fanart on drawing table, I hope you like it.


    I'm in tears.


    Made this in memory of Helicalpuma, R.I.P.


    Colours you don't decorate much with in this game: Purple.


    Chibi Webber tag for my friends birthday present


    Just installed don't starve mobile......


    Why are things burning?


    Hello! I'm still relatively new to don't starve but I got the mobile version to keep playing when I have large chunksnof time I'm not home or just can't for whatever reason. My issue comes in with this last world I was going through. I had autumn on long and hadn't even hit my first winter yet of the world yet, it was like day 30 something. A few different times random spots were just starting up in flames. One when I tried to hit a rabbit (too close to base and burning down all my planted saplings) and again when I was moving items out of Chester my chests and half my base all went up in flames. The only thing I can think of is its a mechanic i have to deal with to play with willow when she drops below a certain sanity level, or just some kind of glitch. Either way it makes being in base at all super difficult and dangerous. Does anyone else have this issue or know why its happening?

    submitted by /u/amholida
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    Mini guano has anyone else had this im at nearly 1000 hours and this has never happened


    What should I try to get during my first ever trip to the ruins


    Hello! I've been doing all this prep for going down into the ruins but I dont even know why lol What should I try to get down there and what should I be crafting? I understand there is a boss, should I try to kill him? I'm playing RoG and WX. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/sasscass17
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    A mod to not eat bad food like monster meat or rot for DST?


    Im looking for a mod that will remove the ability to eat food that harms you and raw meat, preferably configurable. Does anyone know of a mod like that? Thanks

    submitted by /u/TROLlox78
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