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    Friday, April 2, 2021

    Don't Starve It's Meme Friday - April 02, 2021 - The day for all Don't Starve related memery!

    Don't Starve It's Meme Friday - April 02, 2021 - The day for all Don't Starve related memery!

    It's Meme Friday - April 02, 2021 - The day for all Don't Starve related memery!


    Today is the day you are allowed to post don't starve-related meme on /r/dontstarve so go wild!

    Remember to stay cordial and that the rules (including the spam rule) are still in place.

    If you are too busy today you can head to https://www.reddit.com/r/DSTmemes/ for even more Memes!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Wes got new animated action in the loby


    I know it's a pretty underwhelming task, but I made it through my first default-length summer!


    Loving the new Balloons :)


    My dst world keeps crashing


    So I have been playing dst for a moth and I turn on my Xbox and downloaded the new update and saw the video that Klei posted I went on to create a new world so I can test Wes so the thing is that I have a all the worlds slots filled so I couldn't make a world then test wes new balloons and do I went on to see what world I didn't really play as often I launch one then went to get a coke then came back and the loading screen wasn't there it was my normal Xbox Home Screen I was like what?

    I tried to load another one of my worlds but got the same result is there anyway to fix this?

    Also has this happened to any of you on the recent Wes rework uptade

    submitted by /u/According_Suit3780
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    Just another day in the office.


    Thoughts on the Wes update???? I love it. Like I think it is near perfect. I am very excited to start a new Wes world now.


    Wes's Entirely Real Character Refresh Now Available!


    Food trouble


    I just got this game about half a week ago. I've been having trouble keeping a stable food source throughout the seasons. I've made it to day 57 then died. I'm not sure what a good reliable food source would be throughout all the seasons.

    submitted by /u/YungCr1cket
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    would you consider wes an active detriment in dst anymore?


    I mean, he's obviously still a very bad character, that's the whole point of his character.

    but, with the new refresh, he isn't really an active detriment, and could even be quite beneficial with some of the new balloons;

    his increased hunger drain is gone, so now he no longer eats any more than others.

    he no longer wastes weapon uses with less damage, as it also consumes less durability.

    he can help mitigate certain threats in a group (hound attacks and lightning)

    all of his new balloons can be quite useful if shared with friends, especially the part balloon. He can literally duplicate sanity, and 2 wes players could give other players and each other infinite sanity if used correctly. (i do not promote having 2 wes players)

    so, imo the new update is actually quite nice, and while wes is certainly not more powerful, he isn't a detriment anymore either, and could potentially even provide some minor benefits to a team, which I think is great.

    opinions on the character refresh?

    submitted by /u/SaltontheWound39
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    The Great Centurion Mega-Base DST (Day 1000+)


    Do mole worms eat gems?


    Hello all, first time clearing the ruins, just beat AG! As I was working through I left a lot of materials around because of inventory space and was wondering if mole worms eat all of the loot I am leaving behind. I know they eat metals and gears and such but what about gems, thulecite, wires, etc. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/SinikalSight
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    Klei Writing the Wes Rework


    The game doesn't let me in


    I have been having this problem for the last couple of months, so the thing is that when I load the game on my console it freezes while loading into game servers and kicks me out, but I recently found out that with a different profile it does let me in and I can play but I don't know why it does let me in in another profile, the only reason that could may be but I'm not sure is that I maybe got banned because one day I joined a person and was playing with them but because of my stupidity I accidentally lit the base on fire (it was like a 40 ish day base if I remember correctly) because we needed light and I was panicking and lit a tree that spread to the base by accident, I know it was really bad and the other person stopped playing then and I said I was really sorry and that I really didn't mean it and that I could maybe help them make another base other day but when I tried to load in 2 days later the game didn't let me ein and it doesn't let me still. I just really want an answer to my question because I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game a couple of times and resetting my console but it doesn't work. please if someone can help me I would very much appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Morshubeatbox1111
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    Don't starve together wooden gate glitch, how to repair it?


    Wes Skins


    I was wondering if everyone got the same tool skins from the free chest that Klei gave us??

    And if not is there anywhere you could unlock the other skins??

    submitted by /u/OllieB15
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    Don't Starve (Switch) is 75% off on US eShop: $4.99 matches lowest price ever




    Okay so I know this may sound odd but I started a world with a friend and it worked fine, auto saved and all but once we disconnected for the night the world was gone. Now this may sound like a simple bug but the odd thing is when I decide to create a new one (with the same settings) it brings me straight to my other world and it does this every time I create I new one yet it never saves in my worlds when I try to host, so In other words I find myself having to create the world again and again every time I want to go back to it. Anyone know a fix? Let me know if you need extra info. Appreciate the help!

    submitted by /u/Zesty_Sauce
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    Map without oasis desert ?


    So I have started a new world not long ago (with RoG..) and I just couldn't locate the oasis desert in the whole map (pretty sure that's the whole of it)

    1. How common is that ?
    2. I'm not missing anything, right ?
    submitted by /u/Etaikol
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