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    Saturday, January 9, 2021

    Don't Starve My second world and the longest I've lasted

    Don't Starve My second world and the longest I've lasted

    My second world and the longest I've lasted

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 08:46 AM PST

    a quick Wilson fanart I made a while ago and wanted to share. Hope u like it!

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:31 PM PST

    I attempted to recreate woodie in lego form

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 07:07 AM PST

    My bf recently started plaing with me so I drew us as Wigfrid and Wendy, thought you might like

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 04:10 AM PST

    Last one was posted on not Friday, so I made it worse

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:09 PM PST

    Greetings, i am looking for a buddy to play don't starve together with

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 12:56 AM PST

    That seems about right

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:57 AM PST

    HOW TO ENABLE HIDDEN TRANSLATIONS | Add more languages to options menu (Steam Guide)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:40 PM PST

    'A slight smile makes it all worth while' - fan made character

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 08:15 PM PST

    I did Wigfrid art I know its not much but atleast I tried

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 09:51 AM PST

    How to use world seeds?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:00 PM PST

    I have the seed #... where do I put it to play on the map? I see people sharing map seeds but theres nothing in leveldataoveride.lua for that, and worldgenoveride.lua is no longer used i cant even generate that file anymore.

    submitted by /u/TLJ23
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    How am I supposed to manage health as wormwood?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:51 PM PST

    I recently weaved wormwood and played a few games with him. When I started, I already ran into a problem. Every time I came into a fight with anything, I would lose a good deal of health because I didn't have any equipment yet. Wormwood doesn't get any health benefits from food and most, if not all of his abilities require to lose at least 20 hp. It was too early for me to have the ingredients to make enough healing salves and I couldn't use spider glands because I didn't dare to fight spiders after seeing how hard it was to gain health. I ended up just dying. Can anyone help?

    submitted by /u/Golem_89
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    Berry Bush Farm worth it?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:34 PM PST

    So now with the new farming soil being super worth it, is there a point for berry bush farm? What role in the game does it play? Yeah, you can get gobblers for meat, which you can't get through farming soil, but the time it takes to setup berry bush farm is huge. Collecting it takes too long as well and I would rather spend all the time placing spider dens near base to get meat and farming soil or bee boxes to replace berries entirely.

    I'm just not seeing the upsides of berries apart from early game when you just need any food to not starve. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Laireso
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    Does anyone wanna play DST on ps4 with me?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:49 PM PST

    I don't have much to say really, but basically I've been wanting a friend to play with, and nobody on random servers ever talk to me, and when I do friend them they ignore it. My playstation username is: llikepieeeee (The i at the beginning is actually a lowercase L). We can play this weekend on a new world if you want. If you have a discord that would be nice too, and my discord is: Dragon#4181 .

    submitted by /u/NoobD3veloper
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    I found this guy after walking 2 meters in the caves. What can I do with him?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 08:50 AM PST

    This is how we do things!!!

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:15 AM PST

    Do thumpers spawn tree guards?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 10:53 AM PST

    Please tell me

    submitted by /u/StayAggravating9289
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    Mods folder

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 10:45 AM PST

    I got the Microsoft store version of dont starve and i wanted to get some mods but the application doesnt have any folders so i dont know what to do can anyone help me?

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Cow-691
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    Wilson smash bro’s moveset

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 04:57 AM PST

    Wilson - Don't starve

    Wilson would be a light character, with two jumps and no crawl or wall-cling. His run speed would be fast due to the walking cane

    Firstly, the gimmick. The gimmick of Wilson would be hunger, and sanity. Sanity and hunger can both be lowered and raised. Hunger naturally decreases overtime, reaching 0 after two minutes. When hunger reaches 0, you start taking damage. Hunger also decreases when you attack, or get hit. Sanity, is different, to say the least. Sanity can decrease of increase depending on what stage you picked. For instance, Dracula's Castle would passively decrease sanity, while Dream Land would increase it. Some stages, like Pokémon stadium would have no effect at all. Sanity also decrease based on what characters you are fighting and how close you are to them. Ganondorf and Ridley would decrease, but characters like Kirby wouldn't increase, instead having no effect at all. Getting hit also reduces your sanity, while hitting an opponent increases it. With 40 or lower sanity, you become insane, and gain faster movement, more dodge frames, but less damage, and less knock back. You can return to sanity again once you pass around 75 sanity. Also, some moves will decrease sanity. I will tackle increasing hunger later in the moveset. For now here are the moves.

    Stage entrance - waking up, like in the original game

    Jab - single hit with the fist that transitions into a two hit combo with the axe

    Ftilt - spear attack, identical to the game

    Utilt - a pitchfork stabs into the ground, then is raised upwards rather fast, similar to villager's down tilt. The two hits would connect into each other

    Dtilt - a spider spawns at Wilson's feet and lunges forward. Does massive shield damage, but has some end lag. Spiders will stop at the ledge. This move decreases sanity

    Dash attack - a blind swing twice with the walking cane. The hits connect into each other with the final hit being a launcher

    Fsmash - a swing forwards with the Hambat

    Usmash - a swing from front to back with the thulcite club, similar to Ganondorf's

    Dsmash - two tooth traps appear at either side of Wilson, then detonate, launching upwards. There is a hit box in the charging of the smash, and the traps linger for a bit after the move is over

    Nair - Wilson curls up in a ball while equipping the thulcite crown. The crown's shield bubble then appears and does damage. Wilson is invincible while the bubble is up, and if an opponent hits the bubble with an attack, Wilson is sent into freefall.

    Fair - a up to down swing of the glass cutter, similar to cloud's nair. This move does not spike, however it does send glass shards flying, doing non flinching damage all around

    Uair - Wilson swings a lantern multiple times upward, similar to olimar's aerials

    Dair - a single thrust with the nightmare amulet downwards, while souls escape the amulet and fly downwards. The amulet itself does not spike, but the souls do. This move decreases sanity

    Bair - a thrust backward with the dark sword. Has massive launch power. This move also decreases sanity

    Get up attack - pickaxe swung on either side

    Ledge get up attack - a shovel swing to the feet

    Neutral B - Magic Staves. Press b for the Fire staff, and hold b for the Ice staff Fire staff is almost identical to Lucas' PK fire, while the ice staff freezes for about one second. This move decreases sanity

    Side B - Clockwork Rook. A clockwork rook is spawned in front of Wilson. It readies for a charge forward, and when the button is pressed, it goes until it is destroyed by attacks, or falls off of a cliff. The rook is not very fast. This move decreases sanity

    Up B - Telelocator Staff. Wilson holds the Telelocator staff upwards. Then, lightning strikes it, and Wilson is teleported in whatever direction you choose, similar to other teleport moves. The lightning strike does spike. This move decreases sanity

    Down B - Crock Pot. A crock pot is spawned in front of Wilson. This is how to deal with hunger. If a projectile hits the crock pot, it will capture it, and begin cooking. After 2 seconds. A random crock pot dish is served from the pot. Wilson then can eat it to restore hunger and sanity, depending on what the dish is. Different projectiles will also create different dishes, with better projectiles giving better dishes. Mario's fireball might yield kebabs, or ratatouille, while Sephiroth's Gigaflare or a full G&W Oil Spill could yield pierogis, or dragonpie. These foods would also heal health, but only a tiny bit. After being used, the crock pot can not be used for another 6 seconds. You can also catch fighters in the crock pot, and drop it off of ledges. Fighters yield no food. Food will not give the amount of health/hunger/sanity that it does in the game.

    Final Smash - Reign of Giants

    Wilson blows the pan flute, putting anyone near him into a cinematic cutscene. All four seasonal bosses (Deerclops, Moose/Goose, Antlion, and Bearger) appear and start going to town on the caught opponents, with Dragonfly appearing to finish them off.

    Alternate costumes - In a perfect world, every character would be an alternate costume. But sadly, we are left with only 8 slots. My picks for alts would be Willow, Wolfgang, Wendy, and Webber to represent the original game, Winona to represent DST, Warly for the Shipwrecked DLC, and Wormwood for the Hamlet DLC


    Up taunt - Wilson does the carol emote

    Side taunt - Wilson examines his opponent, yielding different dialogue for every character, similar to Palutena's guidance, but with Wilson by himself. In a perfect world, the alts would also have unique dialogue for every fighter.

    Down taunt - Wilson does the cocoa emote

    Besides classic mode, spirits, and songs, that's all I have to say about Wilson. What do you like? What would you improve?

    submitted by /u/Not_Defective
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