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    Sunday, November 3, 2019

    Don't Starve scarecrow wig

    Don't Starve scarecrow wig

    scarecrow wig

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 03:41 PM PDT

    To redeem my other post, I drew Guest of Honor Wurt

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:33 PM PDT

    It appears another island was connected to my starting island. Imagine getting a row boat on your starting island. I was playing Wheeler.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    The day I realized my 6 year old is a better artist than me... "Big pig getting married"

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:02 AM PDT

    HBC as a Don't Starve Character

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    Problem with hutch in DST

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 12:40 PM PDT

    The star-sky thing keeps droping when going out of the caves. Is thats how its supposedly works bc its my first time finding hutch.

    submitted by /u/Valex_18521
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    Halloween or Christmas?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    Results of my amateur research into world-generation mechanics, world-hopping, randomization, world size, etc.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    I made a post last night asking a couple of questions about how world-hopping and world generation works, and not only did it get no traction, but it actually got downvoted once by someone for some reason...........

    So, I took this morning and did the research myself instead of waiting.

    Note that I am not really a coder and have never pored through the Don't Starve programming files the way some people have. I know enough to mess around with simple things if they are clearly laid out. Maybe a real coder could already have told you the things I found out below simply by looking at the code, but I had to find out by changing the code and actually playtesting it.

    Anyway, first, if you're not familiar, a few things to lay out about messing with this code. I certainly didn't discover this stuff--it was scattered in various places online, mostly old posts on this subreddit and the Klei forums. If you're already familiar with editing the world-generation files, then skip down below to the subheading "Results of My Experiments" and you can see the new information I dug up for myself this morning.

    Existing info to tinker with world generation

    ==> By the term "world hop" I use below, I mean gathering the "things" (eg the "crank thing," the "box thing") and bringing them all to the base, which is called assembling the "teleportato," then activating it to move to a new world. I don't mean moving from Shipwrecked to RoG, or to Hamlet and back from RoG, etc.

    ==> Don't Starve generates random maps using a number of variables. One of the most important of these variables is the "seed." You can get the seed by opening the "console" (do this by pressing the tilde key ( ~ ) and entering this command:


    ==> You can start a new game and use the exact same map by editing one of the configuration files for the game and enter in the "seed" that you received using the console command. Specifically, you can go to

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dont_starve\data\DLC0003\scripts

    and open the file worldgen_main.lua

    (you can do this by dragging it into notepad or wordpad, and then just saving it once you're done). I highly recommending creating a backup of this file in a safe location that you can drag back into this folder once you're done.

    Anyway, at the top of worldgen_main.lua, there is a line that reads as follows:

    --SEED = 372000 -- Force roads test level 3

    If you remove the two hyphens at the beginning and swap the "seed" you received for "372000," and then save, you will always generate the same map.

    NOTE 1: In order to truly get the same map, ALL customizeable features of the world must be identical. That is, if you leave everything default, you can only receive the same map from the same seed if everything is left default. If you change the start season, you won't get the same map from the same seed unless you set the start season the same as you did for the original. If you change moleworms to "Lots" for some original map, you won't get the same map with the same seed unless you set moleworms to "Lots" again when starting the world.

    NOTE 2: This folder is the correct one IF and ONLY IF you make the new save file you're generating compatible with HAM. If you set it to be compatible with Shipwrecked, it will be the "DLC0002" folder instead of the "DLC0003" folder. There is one more folder in there that contains a "\scripts\" folder that is if you make it compatible with neither SW nor HAM, don't remember what it's called but it's in there.

    ==> You can also change the map size by editing a different file. That file is forest_map.lua. If you set the new save file compatible with HAM, that file is located here:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dont_starve\data\DLC0003\scripts\map

    If you set it as compatible with SW or with neither, it will be in the folders described in NOTE 2 above.To change the map size, you have to scroll down to (or use CTRL+F to find) where it has the following:

    local min_sizes ={

    ["mini"] = 75,

    ["tiny"] = 150,

    ["small"] = 250,

    ["default"] = 350,

    ["medium"] = 400,

    ["large"] = 425,

    ["huge"] = 450,


     local max\_sizes ={ 

    ["mini"] = 475,

    ["tiny"] = 550,

    ["small"] = 650,

    ["default"] = 750,

    ["medium"] = 800,

    ["large"] = 825,

    ["huge"] = 850,


    And you can then edit these numbers so that if you customize the new world you're generating to "medium," it will use the numbers you plug in here. For instance, here is the map for a truly huge world with the values around min=1000, max=1200.

    Again, you have to save this file before generating the world. And again, I highly recommend making a backup of this file before you mess with it.

    Results of my experiments

    QUESTION 1: If you have a specific seed specified in worldgen_main.lua, will you keep going to that exact same world when you world-hop?

    ANSWER: YES. And it also seems that you always start in the same season when you use the same seed. Multiple times I did this, and I always started in Spring, just as I had when I originally entered that world.

    QUESTION 2: If you world-hop without a seed specified, do you keep re-encountering fundamentally similar worlds to the first one you received over again?

    Note: I tested this out because I had read someone on the Klei Forums saying that the maps you get when you world-hop have certain fundamentals in common with the first world you receive when you start a new game. E.g., they said if you have two swamps in the first world, you will have two swamps in all the worlds you go to by world-hopping, no matter how many times you do it. Things like that.

    ANSWER: AS FAR AS I COULD TELL, NO. This was my conclusion after world-hopping 5-6 times from two different seeds. Doesn't seem to be the same setpieces, and nothing super-obvious about the biomes is being repeated either. I would welcome clarification here from people who have dug more deeply into this question, and I'll edit the post if you have good and confirmable info.

    QUESTION 3: Do worlds stay the same size from one world-hop to the next? I.e., if I generate a small world from the very start and then world-hop, will the next world be tiny too? Or if I generate a huge world and then world-hop, will the next world be huge?

    ANSWER: YES. I don't have a great way to measure it, but I set a world to huge, world-hopped, and it looked like the new world that was created was also huge.

    QUESTION 4: Is map size stored in world seed? eg, if I generate an unnaturally large world by changing forest_map.lua, and then revert forest_map.lua, will my seed still specify a huge world?

    ANSWER: NO, it is not. You can generate a truly enormous world by changing forest_map.lua, getting the map seed, then restoring forest_map.lua to its original settings, then generating a new world from the seed you received, and it will NOT be unnaturally large.

    QUESTION 5: Just for fun, how SMALL can you make worlds in ROG?

    ANSWER: Well, I can tell you what I did and you can go from there. I would welcome seeing what the maps look like for people with better computers than mine to test the limits of this.

    First, I played around with this by changing the values in forest_map.lua for "Medium" size. Maybe it would have worked just fine if I changed "Default" but I think maybe my changes to "Default" weren't actually being used when I let World Size be default? Or maybe they were and it was just hard to tell? Either way, the numbers definitely change the result when you change them for "Medium" and then select "Medium" in the Customization options.

    Second, here's what I did:

    1. The game was having a hard time generating an extremely small world. I set the values for medium to min=10, max=20. It had to "think" at the "shadow hands world-gen screen" for a long time, about 10 minutes. Longer than I was willing to wait. There are certain things it's got to fit on there, and I guess that amount of room was just not enough for it to figure out a good way to squeeze it all in there easily. So I gave up.
    2. I then tried with min=100, max = 200 for medium. It also didn't like this.
    3. So then I tried 200 / 550. That was okay.
    4. So then I tried 150 / 400. That worked.
    5. Tried 100 / 300. That worked too, but I got suspicious it wasn't actually working since it didn't seem much different from the 150 / 400 world. But it might have been.
    6. So then I tried 90 / 220. It was taking too long on the loading screen again, so I gave up.

    That was what I got.

    Hope this is useful to someone out there. Please feel encouraged to share any other knowledge you have on this sort of thing in the comments.

    submitted by /u/TrilloFaveler
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    Going from Console to Computer

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 08:37 PM PDT

    I've been playing the games on PS4 for a very long time so I've got really used to all of the controls and gameplay etc. However, I've recently bought DST on Steam so I can play online with some other friends.

    What are your top tip for relearning the game on the new control system? Is there any way to carry unlocks over from the PS4 account onto the PC and vice versa? I'm hoping it'll be quite easy and intuitive but any advice would be welcome too!

    submitted by /u/JenivereDomino
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    Future dlc?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    I'm a new player and I was wondering if there are any plans for future DLC for don't starve together like maybe new characters

    submitted by /u/Buissnessman47
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    I have don’t starve on the switch and I did all the steps to unlock Webber but he isn’t in the character select screen, has anyone else had a similar problem?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:27 PM PDT

    Can you shake off wandering merms?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:03 PM PDT

    I just started a new world and a group of wandering merms spawned next to me and they won't leave me alone.

    Am I fucked or can I get out of it?

    submitted by /u/mountingconfusion
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    My fan art of the Iron Hulk ( i made his face too wide )

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:38 AM PDT

    Don’t starve together?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:25 PM PDT

    Well I was looking online and I found that if you have don't starve it gives you don't starve together but I'm on Xbox is it a certain exception or do I have to spend another 15 or 20 dollars to play with my friends.

    submitted by /u/Determined-Lizard
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    No aporkalypse ruin on the fifth island ? Bug ?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 07:55 AM PDT

    No aporkalypse ruin on the fifth island ? Bug ?

    Yo so i was searching for the second ruin on the fifth island where i'm supposed to find the aporcalypse calendar in a ruin in the jungle but i can't find it, is this normal ? did i miss something is this a bug of generation ?


    submitted by /u/OoursonneKB
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    A Couple Of Idiots Try To Avoid Malnourishment In Don't Starve Together!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:20 AM PDT

    How to fix this I can't see the health of the ship

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 06:06 AM PDT

    Do earthquakes damage structures in caves?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    I'm talking about the normal earthquakes that happen periodically in caves, not the ones caused by ant-lion.

    submitted by /u/steveraptor
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