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    Wednesday, September 9, 2020

    Don't Starve Wormwood + Wickerbottom = Don't Starve

    Don't Starve Wormwood + Wickerbottom = Don't Starve

    Wormwood + Wickerbottom = Don't Starve

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    wendy by me

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    Three good man waiting for deerclops in a cold winter night

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Made this yesterday ^^

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    i drew a wx and made a wx song

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Wigrid Rework/Refresh Idea - Follower Altar

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    So I'm super excited for the Wigrid rework this month and am both excited and anxious to see how they change her. Really hoping she doesn't get too much of an overhaul and is still just as fun if not more so to play - I have faith in Klei though~!
    It got me thinking as to what I would like to see in the refresh outside of ideas I have already seen suggested (some of which are really cool like war cries, additional special weapons you can craft etc) and it got me thinking about Pigmen and Bunnymen followers.

    Outside of some niche uses I don't see many players using Pigmen or Bunnymen as actual followers very often and they are more so used for farms or Bunnymen for killing Beequeen etc. Giving Pigmen Helm's is generally a waste and not really worth it and Bunnymen are almost exclusively given the Bee Helmets to wear. Outside of Long Summer days or parts of Autumn Pigmen honestly don't follow you for that long and also get scared of the dark the second dusk hits, Bunnymen are a little more useful and stronger but again have limits. Most other Characters now have a follower or something similar (Bernie, Abigail, Woby, Shadow Minions, Merms etc) so what might be really cool if is Wigfrid could buff and utilize Pigmen and Bunnymen followers in a much stronger way in her rework.

    Introducing the Follower Altar! A craftable structure (Boards, Gold and Bone Shards to craft it I want to say? or maybe even a few gears so you can't craft it super early or doing so will at least mess with your limited supply of gears) that when given either a pigskin or bunny puff will then buff that type of follower for a certain amount of time (I think maybe 10 days per item given would be fair) both greatly expanding the time they will follow Wigfrid (and allowing Pigs to only become scared and look for light at night and not during dusk and allowing Bunnymen Followers to ignore you carrying meat) and giving them a small increase to melee damage and either their max hp or a small amount of damage reduction. This would only apply to either Pigmen or Bunnymen at any one time and not both (max of one Follower Altar per Wig or World) and would only apply to ones actually following a Wigfrid after being given food.

    This would give much more use to giving these followers helms and maybe you could even give a single Pig or Bunnyman "Champion" a weapon to hold as well? I can just imagine rolling up to bosses with a handful of Pig or Bunnymen wearing Battle Helms/Thul Helms with one wielding a Spear or Club as well and going to town on the boss with them!

    There would need to be some strict limits to stop this from being too strong or abused so perhaps a limit of 3 or so followers (of which ever one is currently powering/being offered to the altar) for Wigfrid and the actual boosts to their stats are minimal and it is how long they follow that is greatly buffed instead requiring you to give them helms to truly make the most of their small stat buffs - maybe a new type of Helmet that is more or less designed for this purpose would be good. You would also need to feed them from time to time or replace any fallen comrades by going back to a house and recruiting new ones and given that these are all pigmen or bunnymen that aren't being killed for food (which they likely would be otherwise) this also somewhat limits your overall food gained. Perhaps the offering to the Altar needs to be a few Pig Skins/Bunny Puffs and 2 pieces of gold as well so that your fallen Comrades aren't so easily re powering your altar with just their drops alone.

    This would be amazing for Solo play and would also help in multiplayer as your followers would help take aggro away from bosses and mobs for other players as well as their obvious help in battle. Perhaps these followers could even tolerate a nearby Webber, Wortox or Wurt! Not sure about that one though..

    Some of the main inspiration from this was the Wigfrid quotes for Pigs in game! "Will you Fight Alongside me Pig?" and "We Ride to Battle!" and even "He died with Honor" when a follower Pigman Dies! Admittedly her quotes for Bunnymen.. "I want to Eat you" are not quite so positive and don't exactly back up my idea =P but hey she can still eat them after they've fallen in battle alongside her! Quite the honor if you ask me!

    So yeah just an idea I randomly had about improving Pigmen or Bunnymen Followers via a special Altar and I felt like this would fit really well with the Wigfrid refresh. Fingers crossed what we actually get is AMAZING! Can't wait!

    submitted by /u/psychorocka
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    My girlfriend made this little buddy for my birthday. Gun keep all my survival stuff safe :). Thought I'd share.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    [DS] Are there any mods for removing the flowers turning dark and mushmrooms turning into trees on full moon?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    The title basically sums it up. I'm looking for any mods that could remove the effects on flowers and mushmrooms because i want a bit of consistency on my runs.

    submitted by /u/Amarelows
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    How to get wx-78 rook skin?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Can someone help me kill dragonfly ps4

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Im not the best so id like some help cos i wanna platinum this game just need a few more

    submitted by /u/Wisppy-
    [link] [comments]

    DST Players and Their "Early Base"

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    Made it one full year! Here's hoping for another!

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:18 PM PDT

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