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    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    Don't Starve Looking for Game DST - September 29, 2020 -, Find some Friends to play DST.

    Don't Starve Looking for Game DST - September 29, 2020 -, Find some Friends to play DST.

    Looking for Game DST - September 29, 2020 -, Find some Friends to play DST.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    Hello, post a comment if you are looking for people to play DST with, don't forget to mention your platform. If you missed Meme days you can head to https://www.reddit.com/r/DSTmemes/.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I love crocheting Don't Starve Plushie Balls!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    Meme day

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    Just in time I put a meme on!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    Mass genocide on killer bees is like, Wendy 101

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    "Wendy The Triumphant" study

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Meme day

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    And there goes all my berry bushes and twigs /:

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    i am on one of my best game and the game just tried to end it with some surprise foe

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    i play DST with my father and we enjoy the game very much, we are still pretty bad at the game but this time we got a very good game where i play webber and he play wendy, and we just made it to winter (not the first time we do, but still a good thing), but for some reason the game seem to want us to just die and we got some pretty scary uncounter in the last two day we played before stopping for the day .

    (before explaining, i want to precise what we changed the fall time to long because we wanted more time to prepare for winter before going back to normal, so it would explain why some mob are in my story while they are supposed to come later)

    last day of fall, i was near the main camp using my spider to get some pig stuff while my dad was pretty far away collecting some honey for winter in a bee biome, everything was pretty fine and my father decided to go back to the camp because he got enought honey, but on the road back to home he found the beargear standing in front of the tight path who connected the bee biome to the way back home, luckily he was too busy destroying some bee hive for agroing my dad and he managed to avoid him and return to the camp safely .

    first day of winter, we got enought food and cold protection so we decide to explore some more, while my dad started to follow a rock road he found earlier, i wanted to go take a quick look to the beargear because i got no item that can enrage him and i never have saw in the actual game, so i started looking for him but instead i found a mactusk group who started to follow me, since i am not very good at fighting multiple ennemie i tried to avoid fighting them, they almost cornered me but i managed to find a way to keep them far enought for them to not being able to start they attack, night was falling so we both returned to the camp with some resource we find on the way, however, not only did the deerclop decided to come on the first night, but he also come extremely fast, letting only one message and roar before attacking, since my dad and i was not ready yet to fight him and he was targeting some old farm we don't need anymore, we decided to take avantage of the full moon to evacuate the camp while he was doing his job and let him leave the camp with only some farm destroyed .

    beside those thing, we are still pretty good, the deerclop seem to still being the the forest near our camp but i now to a idea to bait him far away our camp so he should not be an issue very long .

    (sorry the the bad grammar, english is not my native language)

    submitted by /u/nikokuma-the-bear
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    The most efficient Krampus farm

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    The most efficient Krampus farm

    This is a combination of strats from other DST players, but AFAIK, nobody else has showcased them working together like this. First, I walled off an area, leaving an "entrance" for mobs that lead them right into a tentacle field. Then, I placed starfish in a circle around the center, leaving a spot open. Birds won't land near them, so they'll all land on that spot. That's where I put down some burnables and a dwarf star, so that the area is constantly hit by the flingo. Then I use birds of the world and smack the frozen birds. It's more efficient to use canaries, cardinals, or snowbirds than crows, but I was farming up crow feathers when I took these shots. Note also that this is all on the lunar island so I can spam books without being attacked by shadow creatures. This setup will provide you with food as you work and you won't even get interrupted by hound waves, since they'll meet the same fate as the Krampus.

    A few notes:

    • Not pictured here but also a good idea: have a birdcage to convert the morsels to eggs. That way, you won't even need to bring your own eggs or precraft more than a few books to get started.
    • Be sure to use scalemail. The feathers will occasionally catch fire and as they stack up the fire damage can easily instakill you.



    submitted by /u/MantlesApproach
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    Workshop Character Concept, It's really bad sorry haha.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Workshop Character Concept, It's really bad sorry haha.

    Bad concept art I drew on 46 hours of no sleep, the pose is really stiff lmao. I'd totally change a lot about this design, but I personally suck at character design, any ideas?! 😅

    Winds Origin Story

    Wind has a hobby of skydiving and gliding! In fact, he was famous for performing risky jumps off of high places, people watched in awe, some in terror, as he swooped down gracefully from various places. One day his parachute malfunctioned, sending him in a freefall, 8,000 feet down. Suddenly, despite the massive amounts of adrenaline pumping through his body, he managed to collect himself and noticed that the sky... wasn't his sky. Actually.. he.. wasn't falling at all anymore? Wind had been whisked away to The Constant, slowly descending down, he landed in an icy tundra, surrounded by snow, snow, and.. more snow. Luckily, Wind always loved the cold and was always up to a challenge! He confidently marched through the forest, but.. a couple of days had passed and he still hadn't found anything to eat, and seeing as he still had no idea where he was, he found himself gradually losing his sanity by the day. He says to himself, "I guess this is it." And lies own in the snow, sobbing into his cape, fashioned from his old parachute. Wind suddenly feels a strange presence, like there's a dark aura around him. Kinda like that feeling you have when you're nervous, when you know something bad is about to happen. Suddenly, a ghostly figure appeared appeared in front of him, manifesting itself into the shape of a person! "Hey kid, you don't look too well." He said, as he extended his hand to Wind, helping him up. "I can fix that, for a price." "A... price?" Replied Wind. The strange man grabbed his shoulders, "This world has things you couldn't begin to comprehend." He snapped his fingers and in an instant Wind felt a surge of power coursing through him. "Go, let's see how long you last." The man disappeared, leaving Wind alone in the snow once again. Wind knew something happened to him but.. what? Who even was that man, and what was this price he had mentioned?(Now that I think about it, the story would probably have to be taking place after Maxwell's reign for there to be juicy plane stuff but let's just pretend lol. Sorry, I don't really do any writing like.. ever, haha.)


    • HP: 95
    • Hunger: 150
    • Sanity: 175


    • Almost immune to the cold.
    • 1.25 damage multiplier
    • 1.02 passive speed multiplier.
    • Gains sanity from using fans and being around anything cold. 5 sanity from eating ice.
    • He gets a slight buff to the freezing powers of the ice staff.
    • He spawns with 6 wind orbs, craftable items which allow him to dash forward 3 tiles in any direction, letting him travel faster. They're relatively cheap, costing only 1 black feather, 1 grass, and 1 ice.


    • Is fragile, 1.25 more damage taken, and receives slightly more damage for every 10hp he loses. (Maxwell's Curse)
    • Starts taking slight damage at below 35 hunger. (Maxwell's Curse)
    • Takes 2.75 more damage from the heat and loses LOTS of sanity from being hot. (Maxwell's Curse)
    • Is scared of all bugs, and does 2x less damage to all insects.
    • Is TERRIFIED of butterflies and cannot attack them, butterflies are just too freaky, okay?
      I'm thinking of making one of his weaknesses be that he dislikes anything related to dirt, and possibly can't use a shovel at all to dig up anything, or maybe he can but he loses 20-30 sanity per second for holding a shovel and has a chance to get nothing when picking crops, twigs, or grass? What do you guys think?

    (Tbh, this is probably a really bad character, so please, suggestions suggestions! This is also my first time using Reddit, so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to post this here please don't ban me lol.)

    submitted by /u/Hieroglyphs_
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    I was playing don’t starve together and came across this... what is this!?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    Public Service announcement

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:21 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/UniversalMan66
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    How to deal with deerclops?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    The situation is that I'm playing Wigfrid (started world before rework so I haven't made any songs) and I didn't schedule properly so that it would spawn away from my base. It's not at my base, but it is VERY close. I can sneak to my base to grab my marble armor, extra spear, and panflute. The big problem is I'm very low sanity and health. I was going insane and I thought, "I need nightmare fuel anyway" so I didnt stop it. Now everytime I think I'm winning the shadow monsters show up and ruin everything. Are you kiting? Well let us throw you off. Are you tanking, well let us put out too much damage for you to tank. I honestly dont know what to do. If I try to agro and lead it away it just pinpoints my base and destroys it. Any ideas or do I have to take the L? I really dont want to take that L. I have so much winter supplies that I know if I kill this thing I'll make it through.

    PS yes I've been rolling back the server. I don't have the time or patience to get back where I was over and over again.

    submitted by /u/Allisteroftheseven
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    Hows this game on the Switch?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    So today I looked at the Eshop and noticed how Don't Starve was on sale (and a pretty good one at that, it's about 4 dollars). I own the game on mobile and pc and neither of those platforms really satisfied me. I feel like this game could be really fun on the switch since it's like a mixture of mobile and pc.

    Hows the performance? That's what I disliked most about mobile.

    Is the game still updated? As in if its the same version as other platforms.

    Is DST going to get released on the Switch? Because I could see how difficult that could be.

    And most importantly of all: People that have the game on other platforms and didn't like it and have the switch version, do you like it better?

    submitted by /u/Vejbyak
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    How many moose/goose can spawn at the same time?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    It was the fifth day of spring and i was near my base fighting agaisnt some hounds when two moose/goose arrived at the same time, i killed the hounds and tried to lure one away to kill it but then another one spawn near by, i gave up and went to my base to pass the night and the next day i saw the 3 moose/goose from before together and a little far away another one

    Now i'm curious about how many can spawn at the same time

    submitted by /u/Fionnthecat
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    What is the cutest mob/character for you?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    lookin for friends

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    i'm looking for ppl who might wanna play don't starve together (i have it on steam!) <3 — I'm considering making a discord server for it if there was enough interest, and we could talk about times to play and what characters we'll each take and that kind of stuff. i haven't played dst in like two years so I'm gonna be slow to start again, but i get lonely playing by myself so hdhdhhdxh wanted to see if there was an interest in making a group so we can all play together and collaborate <3

    submitted by /u/radioshackk
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    Is the mob difficulty reason enough to play single player, instead of DST alone?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    Item spool amount

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Why is it that the number of spools I get from items less now than it was a few days ago? The purple items are worth 50 now when they were 150. And the blue was worth 50 but now 15. What is the reason behind this? And is it ever going to go back to being more?

    submitted by /u/Mast3rDraco
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    How do i get rid of Maxwells shadow puppets in Dont Starve Singleplayer

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:40 AM PDT

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