• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 8, 2019

    Don't Starve Just survived my first giant (ice dude with one eye), it completely rekt my base (I died twice, used the stone thingys), gonna have to rebuild.

    Don't Starve Just survived my first giant (ice dude with one eye), it completely rekt my base (I died twice, used the stone thingys), gonna have to rebuild.

    Just survived my first giant (ice dude with one eye), it completely rekt my base (I died twice, used the stone thingys), gonna have to rebuild.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:40 PM PDT

    My friend needed inktober ideas and I showed her Don’t Starve characters

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:03 AM PDT

    Going though maxwells gate, wish me luck!

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 03:59 AM PDT

    Suggestion: A new possible arctic DLC sometime in the distant future?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 07:31 PM PDT

    A while ago I had this idea for a new DLC mimicking the way the current don't starve DLCs are set up. We have a low latitude experience in the form of Shipwrecked, a mid-latitude version in the form of Reign of Giants, but no high latitude DLC. What I'm basically saying is that it'd be cool to have an arctic type gameplay.

    I know that it's not likely at all, but I still wanted to share some of my ideas in case you guys liked it.

    Seasons: It's not actually that weird once you think about it, because Reign of Giants takes place in a moderate climate, complete with snow, rain, and heat, while Shipwrecked is a completely tropical one free of cold. Using this it's not a far leap to a cold-climate game, where heat is never a problem but rather keeping warm is, but not like an eternal winter. There are still seasons in the arctic, but they're not exactly the same as what we're used to. In the tropics, seasons like fall and winter and spring are dramatically reduced, and so Klei instead came up with a new system of seasons that reflect real life: monsoon, hurricane, etc. What this means for the arctic would be that the landscape would go through dramatic changes as the day length changes. On Earth, once you cross the Arctic Circle, summer becomes a single, neverending day that brings with it snow melt in certain places and minimal ground cover such as flowers and grasses. If you're lucky you might see a bush or two. But summer does not necessarily mean warmth like you and I might experience it. COld would still be a problem, just not as much during the day. Another idea could be that the sun also brings with it a kind of solar insanity effect, because, let's face it, I would hate to have the sun never set all day. The glare would be horrible. In contrast, the eternal night time of winter would bring with it that classic nighttime induced insanity, as well as insane cold. Fall and Spring would bring with them the growth and ebb of seasonal sea ice, which can be walked on and used to access the sea for things like fish and seals. Polar bears might be here, though? Makes sense to me, anyway.

    Biomes: As with Shipwrecked, a whole new slew of biomes would need to be introduced, most prominently the tundra, where plant life is minimal but abundant in rabbits. During summer some food might be found here in the form of berries, but that's about it. Boreal forests might cover a good amount of land, too, providing the player with that sweet sweet lumber. Mountains could replace rocky biomes, and sea ice would be the ideal place to add new content. The seaside would be crammed with seals and birds, depending on the season. Maybe a kind of geyser-type biome could be used as a heat source?

    Wildlife: The northern areas of the world have a lot of interesting animals that can be translated in-game pretty easily. Polar bears, arctic wolves, and caribou, to name a few. Meat would actually be a necessity in winter, when there is no light and no way to grow anything. Hunting in the dark might be a problem, though. Of course, the cold brings with it new kinds of animals that are specially adapted to surviving the harsh winter months, and would provide you with essential furs to make clothing. One interesting aspect of northern climates is that large mammals tend to get larger the farther north (or south) you go. Especially buffalo. Er, beefalo. So everybody's favorite Don't Starve prey is still on the menu, albeit a lot bigger. Arctic wolves would basically be blue hounds, so that's cool. Other kinds of new animals would be introduced, obviously, because Don't Starve isn't exactly known for its realism. There are all kinds of weird creatures you could come up with that would live in the snow.

    Items: New materials for keeping warm, hunting, and fishing are all necessities. Also, with the infinite nighttime and all a new way to regain sanity would be hugely helpful, but I'm not Klei so I don't know what would be a good idea here. Maybe a kind of mushroom farm? I know we already have mushroom boxes but I feel like those aren't efficient enough to keep you sane for very long. A new meat-based recipe could be devised as well, which gives the player a good sanity boost.

    Characters: Possibly a new Inuit character that makes it easier to survive the harsh northern wilderness. Beyond this I have no clue. Wouldn't it be fun it you could be a walrus guy like MacTusk? That's another idea. But I don't know. What do you think?

    Anyway that's what I got. I posted this on the official Klei forums a while ago, like a few years, but it didn't get much attention, so I thought why not post it here? Any ideas of your own are great, because I don't own this stuff. It's just an idea. Maybe if we get enough supporters Klei will think about maybe possibly doing it in a few years, but then again maybe not. Just some stuff to think about.

    Anyway converse amongst yourselves.

    submitted by /u/69krampus420
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    Today I Learned: New character cosmetics are awesome! EX: all of the Wortox legs come with a tail that can be used on any character!

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 02:27 PM PDT


    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 06:59 AM PDT

    Where should I make my base?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 10:31 PM PDT

    Well... fuck me I guess!

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:56 AM PDT

    Ideas for the malbatross beak

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 01:40 AM PDT

    Look we all know how useless the beak is, so I thought of some ways that Klei can rework the little thing.

    1. A weapon, I thought the Malbatross could find some use as a new weapon. I think all the weapons in the game already have some good use like glass cutter being extra useful against nightmares, hambat for durribility etc. So it was a bit difficult making suggestions for this. So I thought perhaps it could be a high durability but with damage between a hambat and spear, but having the ability to be thrown like the spear gun, I'm not sure, perhaps you can come up with a better idea.

    2. A boat, it's a little strange of an idea but I thought it would be great idea. So what I'm proposing is that the malbatross' beak could be used as a boat like the row boat or surfboard from Shipwrecked. This would be low in durability, so that players would want to avoid damaging the boat, but does not lose durability over time. This would force players to avoid fights such as Malbatross, hounds or cookie cutters. It could make mid sea bases useful as travelling to and from land easy and much faster. To balance it out with the big boats, I figured it could be only the speed of 2-3 sails and only fit 1 person.

    3. A fishing rod, this idea is a little strange and quite useless I have to agree with you, but as you know the shoals in DST still cannot be fished with the fishing rod. This perhaps could be used as a fishing spear or crafted into a rod of sorts.

    Anyways tell me what you think of my ideas, I'd like to know your opinion. As for the it's other drop idk what to tell you, the sail is pretty disappointing for the most part, but it still has more use than the beak in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/L3ptonyx
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    Woodie's rework and how good he is.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 10:46 PM PDT

    TL;DR at bottom.

    The more I play around with Woodie's rework, the more I realize how good he is. First off, his practically only "downside" is more tree guards, which is a good thing because living wood for dark swords, and the moose completely gets rid of Wendy and Abigail because of its charge attack, which can empty multiple tier 3 spider dens by piercing and damaging all spiders in the charge attack, and the moose could even get rid of a herd of beefalo if done right. Second, the Werebeaver is just a better Maxwell because you can control on what trees to chop and what rocks to mine, and doesn't require nightmare fuel, and who uses fighters anyways. And finally, the goose. The goose is the most broken thing. It completely gets rid of the boat mechanic since Woodie's inventory goes with him, it basically means you can just turn goose to head to the lunar island, bring food and another goose idol for back, etc. Overall, the new Woodie rework is 3 characters in one, and I think that is a good thing. He requires some knowledge to use correctly and most efficiently, compared to Wigfrid's just damage and such. Its a good but bad thing, since then why play Wendy or Maxwell, but good because he requires knowledge to use correctly.

    TL;DR Woodie is Maxwell, Wendy, a Goose, and Woodie's normal form in one. Its good but bad.

    submitted by /u/iCookie9
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    Wilson doodle. Having no life is fun.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:58 AM PDT

    I'm not ENTIRELY certain why I need 88 evergreens, but one thing's for certain: I got a warm winter ahead of me.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    Something doesn't seem right

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 07:32 PM PDT

    Something doesn't seem right

    Water seems rather comfortable


    submitted by /u/matias480
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    Does this doydoy pen work? Will they be able to walk from the opening?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 08:08 AM PDT

    Good characters for adventure mode?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 02:43 PM PDT

    What are some characters you think are good in adventure mode?

    submitted by /u/StickmanShow
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    Who do you guys think its the best/funnier character for Hamlet?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    I made a james bucket sub

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    Player reactions when they see someone playing their main before they join

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 05:24 PM PDT

    Perfect time after an attack from the giants

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 06:09 AM PDT

    Moose Form Is Trash

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 06:21 AM PDT

    I just liked goose form of woodie. Its make discovery very easy at the start of game. Beaver is classic and makes wood farming pretty easy. But the moose is not for fighting. Creatures can hit you when you charge on them, you are too slow to run away, you can't dodge, hit power is low so this form is pretty useless if you don't use him for spider farming. Spider farming is not big problem if you are Wendy* (Abigail), Wigfrid (power) , Wolfgang (power) , Webber** (fakeattack), Wickerbottom (books) and even Wilson with tooth trap. And to be honest Woodie sucks at the spider farming too, because spider usually spawns in forests and charging in the forest is just suicide. Trees slows you down and spiders eats your hairy lumberjack butt. Aaaand I think we need one more small update for woodie.

    Maybe we should able to break 4-5 tree with moose form. Maybe more of tree or doing this again and again should make him slow. If they do that thing I say, It's would be pretty.

    (Sorry for my english)

    submitted by /u/DoktorEnd
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