• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 10, 2020

    Don't Starve Just Found out what Fire Nation's favorite crop is

    Don't Starve Just Found out what Fire Nation's favorite crop is

    Just Found out what Fire Nation's favorite crop is

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 05:50 PM PST

    Guys what the f*ck. This is the second time there is nowhere to put the pieces so I can travel to the next world in adventure mode.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 04:52 PM PST

    Our favorite ghost loving child

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:39 PM PST

    Thank u klei... At least i found out on 1st day...

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:31 AM PST

    Recent or upcoming changes to crops, Wormwood and Wickerbottom?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 06:52 PM PST

    My husband mentioned seeing something about this, but I couldn't find it. He said he couldn't really explain all the changes because he hadn't read all of it, just kind of skimmed. Just wondered if anyone knew anything about any of this? Apparently it makes both characters way less useful?

    submitted by /u/KittyChimera
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    Between this and not being able to repair pith hate, hamlet on consoles isn't the best port I've seen.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 08:08 AM PST

    I screwed up...

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 05:57 PM PST

    I was messing around with my game's resolution and I have found myself in a situation a lot like this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/dontstarve/comments/3zyun0/my_game_resolution_is_too_zoomed_in_what_can_i_do/

    I tried finding the setting.ini file but either because I play on a mac (shame on me ik) or because i play via steam it doesn't seem like the file exists on my game. Help would be really appreciated!

    submitted by /u/LolerFish
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    gingerpigs built their town in my own house

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:35 AM PST

    My ideal reworks for each non-reworked character

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 04:28 PM PST

    (short disclaimer, this post is long, if you have will to read that, go ahead)

    Alrighty, so i don't really see anyone posted that for a chunk of time, so i thought why not, if this post will get enough upvotes, i might make even post on the klei idea section, just to make sure anyone would like to see that, ok, let us begin!

    Wilson - nothing much for beeing honest, wilson is the classiest character, but in sight of don't starve together, he is one of worst team members, because he does basically nothing that slightly better survive winter (which woody also has), so to make him stand out, make his recipes slightly cheaper than others, he is goddamn scientist, even description say that, he would be basically a great team member not truly destroying the balance

    Wolfgang - ahh, the tankiest of our dear characters, who doesn't like wolfgang, though in the sight of other characters, he seem kinda dull, all he has is just straight up damage up from full belly, i have an ide how to change it though to make him hell lot of interesting!

    He gains different power ups from filling himself with different foods:

    - diet high in sweets (berries, honey, jellies, taffy etc.)? You got speed up, and not a small one, because the 70% speed of the WX-78 speed when struck by lightning

    -diet full in veggies? some mobs mobs are not scared/angry on him and have a chance of not hitting back and he gains 1.15 dmg modifier, this would be extremely hand for gaining pig torches, rabbits without traps, and the list go on

    -the meaty diet is just good ol damage modifier, but it depends on the size and health of the mob now.

    that means the player now can choose between 3 diets he needs at the moment, also promotes creating diets on your own in real life!

    WX-78 - Probably one of the stronger character to choose, excellent pair for wickerbottom, he can make even wider healthbar by eating some gears, he is sure fun, but to give him that spice i suggest him to be able to make his own upgrades at the tab of crafting, we all know that WX was created by Wagstaff to gain information 'bout constant, but failed to track him afterwards, he can eat stale food with no penalties and is super fast when struck by lightning.

    coming back to idea, he should be able to give himself a clockwork-like features, because main source of gears are from them, i would go something like that:

    - accordion arm, the upgrade that is a representation of knight ability, it increases our reach a lot and could be the only way to 'charge' your hit in don't starve, it could even do fair amount of damage when fully loaded, though to remember, they can be broken as they got hit in the meantime of hit, if the upgrade is broken, you loose your holding ability as long as you don't eat a gear to 'grow' your arm back, without the upgrade of course because there's no easy going in don't starve

    - Jumpy legs - WX gains a new ability not known before in don't starve, jumping! he also gets a dash simillary to moose woody, but he stops on the target and doesn't do much damage, though you also can use that to run away. Jumping may be a bit useless, but it could give us opportunity to jump through the small gaps between land where boat as a bridge wouldn't fit, this could be handy in escaping from a lot of troubles or not wasting time

    - "third" eye - this one upgrade is as you might know by now, the bishop, you will be only able to craft it near the station in the ruins, it will give you a turret on your own head, that acts like the eye thingy, though is worser, the fire rate of this is extremely low, it can shoot 1 particle per 1.5 minutes, but in exchange, it will give you sanity boost and damage would be technically the same as electric dart, if you get struck by lightning with this upgrade, the damage will be only slightly bigger, otherwise everything is normal.

    Wickerbottom - The librarian, that gonna have huge nerf in the upcoming update about farms, thus we should backfire that with a good perk then, as i heard she could be next target to rework, but im not sure, she won't be that good in farming now, but on the other side she is still great at collecting feathers, morsels, making traps and charging WX-78, i don't think she needs more changes than just adding more better books, she have the science machine crafting on the start and she just dont eat spoiled food. To the books... i do not have any slight idea what to add, it will be up to klei

    Wes - don't take this as a joke, i seriously want him to be at least itsy bitsy more useful to the team, because i realise he is supposed to be challenge character, but every time the wes joins, the game for everyone becomes harder even when players didn't ask for it. So how de we get for it? Simple. Make him 'sense' the upcoming danger with the facial gesture, anything that can hurt you nearby, he will immitate it, and will immitate it after some time as well, probably up to 1 minute, but if player will to make this permament, he should get to the indicator at least 10 times, he also will show the location where he saw it with mime pointing or sth i dunno, that means he could be useful to tell what is where and will make wes actually bit useful character

    Maxwell - The good ol' lord of the shadow puppets, he's like woody, but with 70 hp, which already sets him on the bad light, not forgetting that one of his shadows are so goddamn useless, i cannot believe klai though adding combat shadow with such a low hp was a good idea. My changes to him would tottaly make the shadows different, instead of making a bunch of the same clones, the will 'merge' into one abomination that is doing a task as many times faster, as many shadows you have, it means you'll have an abomination that cuts the tree in basically seconds, you will also be not able to create other type of shadow to counter the good sides, the biggest changes will aply to shovel and fighting shadows, because the mining and chopping ones are just getting resources, but faster

    - Fighter shadow - The more you create, the more damage it deals and the more hp it has, because it's logical. instead of very bad kiting they will tank the enemy with 75% of chance of beeing not hit, dropping by 10% each 'level up'. At full level it will behave simmiliar willow plush, but you have more control over it and i think he could be equipped wth anything you want but armors, but won't provide the buffs from it (like thulecite crown won't work)

    - shovel shadow - making it basically useless since you cant combine multiple shadow types, if yo made at least 4 of them, they can make ground pound that digs the area around like bearger but not cutting the trees, just the stumps, and the reach is not small i must tell you

    Webber - the last of the characters, just copy paste of wilson, but in spider version, which means pigs are racist to you and you can befriend spiders only, which of course are very weak, the can literally be stunlocked and if not, they can be very easily killed with traps, also he could kinda pair up with wendy, but well, the spider spawners spawn naturally as well, he requires big changes not making him op as well, but i will leave it up to you fellas, make your suggestions to webber in the comments, i will add the most curious one to the post crediting the creator!

    anyways that's it, c'ya and to the next time!

    submitted by /u/ArcerPL
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    Easy Klaus solo as Woodie in moose form

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:45 AM PST

    7 days to Christmas art challenge,

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 03:32 PM PST

    Rules Starting December 18, post christmas themed every day until Christmas, with extra care for the one for Christmas day. The goal is for everyone to get practice, so when Christmas rolls around, the subreddit will be filled with art from everyone. If you want to participate, feel free to start whenever. Merry Christmas to all.

    submitted by /u/Azurefuzzball75
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    He had to turn off dislike counter and comments. Nice job Don't Starve community!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 05:35 PM PST

    I feel lime my ruins are a little smaller than ususal... loot was decent, but they aren't this small usually. tell me if i'm wrong pls

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 02:49 PM PST

    Webber in a dress

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 11:42 AM PST

    Does anyone else think Webber would like wearing dresses? He's just so cute and I think he would feel so fancy lol. I'm asking 'cause I'm bored and don't know what to draw him wearing.

    submitted by /u/Goldn-Doodl
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    Looking for experienced active players to play with

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:52 AM PST

    tired of griefers burning my base so I come here to ask for a good teammate. We can play on your server, or mine. We can start a new world w/e. DM me.

    submitted by /u/wanpan10
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    Can someone please give me some advice?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:06 AM PST

    Winter’s Feast gift question (DST)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 09:13 AM PST

    For winter's feast if two people on a server sleep under the Christmas tree, will we both get gifts or is it only one gift per night?

    My friend and I slept under the tree several nights now. We tried sleeping at the same time and one after the other but we only saw one gift per night. Not sure if it was because one of us had too much light or if there's a limitation.

    submitted by /u/explodinghoneydew
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