• Breaking News

    Friday, November 27, 2020

    Don't Starve It's Meme Friday - November 27, 2020 -, the day for all Don't Starve related memery!

    Don't Starve It's Meme Friday - November 27, 2020 -, the day for all Don't Starve related memery!

    It's Meme Friday - November 27, 2020 -, the day for all Don't Starve related memery!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:12 PM PST

    Today is the day you are allowed to post don't starve-related meme on /r/dontstarve so go wild!

    Remember to stay cordial and that the rules (including the spam rule) are still in place.

    If you are too busy today you can head to https://www.reddit.com/r/DSTmemes/ for even more Memes!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    vinyl decal I madeof a spider boi

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:57 PM PST

    A while ago, I had an Abigail in my SW world because I switched from Wendy to Maxwell. Fast forward to this, where I get a new Abigail every time I travel from RoG to SW. =|

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:51 AM PST

    Disease is gone.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 12:45 PM PST

    A city of spiders that I'm working on with my online friend!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:33 PM PST

    What should I buy? Any thoughts? (more context in the comment)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:20 AM PST

    My early thoughts on the beta (they might change)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:10 AM PST

    I'm disappointed with the choices that Klei made. I'm okay with the wickerbottom nerf. But I hate the nerf to bunnymen farm. They only drop one item now, so how am I supposed to consistently get 10 carrots to expand them? You will say: you can get them thanks to the reworked farm. Well, the reworked farms suck because they require you to be at your base 24/7 and they are unnecessarily complicated. I know that the new farms add more depth to farming, but don't make them more appealing by nerfing other food sources. If I want to have a more relaxed and camping gameplay then I'm building farms, but if I don't want to stay at base 24/7 let me still farm those freaking bunnymen. Making an option viable only because the other option are no longer as viable than before is not the way to go. Sorry for the rant

    submitted by /u/Giamborghini
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    Probably obvious but...

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:53 PM PST

    Anyone else notice that Maxwells real name is William so that makes Wilson's name suggest that he is his son? Just a thought.

    Edit: And oh yeah, Wilson also means son of the protector and Maxwell was trying to protect him from making the same mistake he did and killed him over and over so that he wouldn't sit on the nightmare thrown.

    submitted by /u/LegendaryBanana37
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    Unnerf horticulture mod (suggestion)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:24 AM PST

    So I am not really good at coding, but I bet some of you are, and since the horticulture nerf is clearly not highly appreciated by the community, I had an idea if someone could possibly make a mod that unnerfs it, or maybe you could set how strong it should be, because I get that horticulture right now is the best thing in Wickerbottoms kit but now its been nerfed to nothingness

    submitted by /u/Bigsmoge
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    How do I remove profile icons?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:22 PM PST

    I accidentally added one, and I want to remove it.

    submitted by /u/CasualScreeching
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    How to get Glommer back?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:18 AM PST

    I had a hound wave yesterday and one of the hounds focused on Glommer and killed him before I could do anything. How can I get him back?

    submitted by /u/DoggozPlayz
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    How do you try the new update?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:27 PM PST

    What's the best way to choose a base location without outlining the entire map?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:01 PM PST

    (I'm new) I've spent 7-11 days outlining the map for each playthrough, after doing so and picking the right spot I never have enough time to build the base or gather enough food for winter.

    I've tried using wickerbottom since she's a walking science machine and can build the basics immediately, including a backpack to carry more resources as she goes.

    I've also tried using willow since she's a fast explorer, I don't have to keep stopping to craft torches.

    It's very frustrating to eventually have the world outlined, but my character is starving, insane, and 10 days from winter. What is a better way of picking a spot for a base sooner?

    submitted by /u/Leon_noco1
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    Was sent a copy of Don't Starve together (my friend bought it and it gave him an extra copy to gift) but it's still making me purchase it.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Character Concept: Whos the Particularly Fragile.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:46 PM PST

    Character Concept: Whos the Particularly Fragile.



    At the end of one of those long winters in which Whos was always the first to fall asleep and the last to wake up, she opened her eyes, in fall yes... but in a world strange to her own, and something from the moon is following her closely.




    The particularly fragile.

    Signature phrase:

    "That sounds so boring!"



    Favorite dish:



    150 health, 150 hunger, 150 sanity.

    Some quotes:

    -Snowbird: "It makes me feel sleepy..."

    -Slurtle: "Please, not again!!"

    -Theulecite: "I feel like I've seen you before"


    -Hardness of 3:

    Whenever Whos receives damage, it will affect her maximum health, and fragments of her will fly away, she can pick them up and stick them back together with honey. When she loses fragments that she doesn't put back in herself, some of her acquired knowledge will disappear (bits of the map, prototyped things in the machines, etc).

    If she Dies, her only way to revive herself is via one of her lost fragments (mind you, she'll start with exactly the amount of health that fragment represents, and reviving costs a lot of energy )

    -Knows the way to upgrade:

    She Has her own tab in which she can craft "new fragments" that she can put in herself when she has lost her old ones, these being:

    -Gold fragments("Shiny and versatile"): With these, she gets more health, is more efficient when performing tasks, and will attract lightning, the probability increases depending on how many she has.

    -Marble fragments ("so heavy!"): With these, she gets a massive health and resistance boost, however, she will be slower the more she has.

    -Moon glass fragments ("Ironic..."): With these, she gets a massive attack and resistance boost to nightmare creatures alone, she becomes more fragile against anything else the more she has.

    -Theulecite fragments ("They make me feel weird"): With these, she is stronger, quicker, and can stand without light much longer, however, they'll make her lose sanity the more she has.

    -Red gem Fragments ("Hot! hot! hot!"): With these, she will be able to set fire to anything that attacks her!

    -Blue gem fragments ("Isn't it just ice?"): With these, she will be able to freeze anything that attacks her!

    -Purple gem fragments ("These are itchy"): With these, the nightmares will be neutral...

    -Yellow gem fragments ("Sunlight, and arms!"): With these, she will be able to endure more without sunlight.

    -Orange gem fragments ("Lazy, just like me!"): With these, she will be far faster.

    -Green gem fragments ("These... remind me of someone"): With these, she will... just be herself.

    -Needs the sun to live:

    Whos can't eat any food, her hunger fills out by a great deal at day, less at dusk and none at night, in the cave, this only counts in the areas directly illuminated by the sun, in winter however you will only receive half the hunger at any given time.

    When sleeping, your hunger is paused completely as you are not using energy.

    For her, the summer season is a feast!

    And winter season a constant hibernation...

    submitted by /u/Wafran
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    Hound Help

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:15 PM PST

    I've got a world that's over 200 days, and now hounds come every 3 days. Are there any good, portable methods of dealing with them? Or do I have to start laying out hound trap fields all over my world? I play solo if that helps.

    submitted by /u/Odd-Alarm-9647
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    How to farm spiders

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:56 AM PST

    Step 1: Let the spider nest grow to level 3,kill all the spiders that spawn,destroy the nest and get eggs

    Step 2: Make rabbit hutches and walls

    Step 3: Put the spider den down and surround it with walls(like 20) and put rabbit hutches 1 berry bush away from the spider den

    Step 4: Congratulations! You have created your efficient spider farm! Keep in mind bunnymen dont eat meat,come out at dusk and are outside at night. They also have 200 hp and deal 40 damage(spider has 100 hp). They will attack you immediately if you play Webber/Wortox. Also they need only 1 day to respawn,which is pretty cool and you can easily make more rabbit hutches if you want by killing bunnymen. But the ideal number is 3 since you want them to swarm a spider and insta kill him.

    submitted by /u/MrSnow87
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