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    Thursday, June 11, 2020

    Don't Starve I have created the legendary Froggle Bunwich

    Don't Starve I have created the legendary Froggle Bunwich

    I have created the legendary Froggle Bunwich

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    I <3 don't starve

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Super satisfying explosion

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Walter & Woby Arrive June 15th!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    A pig so bad he can’t even open his own door.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    Welcome to the bud base 2.0! I took the advice of EATING food and now I am at winters beginning

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 12:33 AM PDT

    Anyone else think they should implement geometric placement in the game?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Like every pc user uses it and console players should get it too.

    submitted by /u/Pvzlife
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    She’s just dancing guys

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    perfectly timed terrorbeak (sorry for weird steam screenshot)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    This is my base!it was pretty helpful to make my base around a set piece that contained the metal potato thing for instant farms

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    Help me please

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    My day 70 or so gone missing once i updated windows for some reason. I managed to find the cluster files in the local files. I went and generate a new world in dst. Now im stuck. Anyone can help me? It took alot of hours of my life☹️. The world i wanna restore is cluster_4 . Is it as simple as copying cluster 4 files into the newly generated cluster 1? I tried it but it dint work. When i load dst it just shows the new empty world.

    submitted by /u/Ragunan
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    Misuto's Mentoring: Bunnyman Farm Guide

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    Here's a guide that I wrote up to help explain bunnyman farms to new and intermediate players. Text is down below and a video version of the guide with some helpful graphics can be found here:

    Video Version Here

    Bunnymen have long been considered one of the most power and staple food sources in Don't Starve. Bunnymen also serve as one of the most powerful friendly units in the game and can assist in many combat situations and boss fights. If you're new to the game you may be wondering why or how do I use them without getting brutally murdered. In today's lesson, we're going to learn all this and more.

    Why use bunnymen?

    When a bunnyman is killed, it always drops 2 carrots and then has a 75% chance of dropping a meat. So worst case, a bunnyman will always drop 25 food from the two carrots with a 75% chance of dropping 50 total if the meat drops as well. So, on average you'll get 43.75 hunger per bunnyman killed. That's a lot of food for just one bunnyman.

    Let's compare this to a similar food source, the pigman. Pigs have a 75% chance of dropping a meat and a 25% chance of dropping an inedible (though valuable in other ways) pig skin. As a food source they only average 18.75 food each.

    There is more that sets these two food sources apart though. First, let's look at their respawn times. Pig houses will spawn a new pig in 3 days while a bunny hutch will spawn a new bunnyman every day. This drops pigs down to averaging just 6.25 food per day while bunnymen stay at 43.75. That means you would need to have 12 pig houses if you were relying on them as your only food source Where as you would need just 2 bunny hutches. This is an insane difference, bunnymen are more than six times more powerful as a food source.

    A lot of this power comes down to their quick respawn time. This means everytime you visit your bunnyman farm, they will be respawned and ready to provide you with some delicious food. So, we've looked at why bunnymen farms are so strong, now let's look at how to set them up.

    The Civil War Method

    First, the basic bunnyman civil war farm. For this farm you simply build your rabbit hutches in a group, I prefer to leave a little extra space between them so I can better see and pick up the loot in the morning. After building your rabbit hutches, it's recommended build a fence or walls around the village to keep bunnymen from running too far away when they are low on life. This also helps to keep the loot in a smaller area and thus decrease the amount of time it takes to pick everything up. Make sure to build a gate so that you can get in and out easily.

    Now here we must learn our first techinique, the bunnyman civil war. To start this just feed 1 or 2 bunnymen a carrot then fake attack a different bunnyman. To perform a fake attack begin to attack a bunnyman but then walk away before you finish swinging. If you accidentally finish the attack and hit the bunnyman, you will likely die. I recommend creating a new creative world to spawn in some hutches and practice fake attacks before doing it in a real game. After the fake attack the bunnymen will kill the one you targeted. Sometimes they will then begin attacking each other at which point you can sit back and relax, if they are just standing around you need to fake attack again and again until they start hitting each other. We must also learn our first warning. If you are carrying some kind of meat the bunnymen will all see you as an enemy and immediately attack you. Leave your jerky at and pierogis at home or in Chester when running this farm. One last special note: a hambat is not a meat item. You can freely carry this around bunnymen no problem.

    That's it. You can now enjoy all your food and have plenty of carrots to start the war again tomorrow.

    The Oven Method

    Second up, we have the oven method of killing bunnymen. This requires a bit more set up, but will kill all the bunnymen at the same time and in a smaller area, allowing for faster loot pick ups and more reliable spawns the next day. This method works much better in small numbers, though larger versions of the oven can also be made to work too. For larger numbers I prefer to use the previously taught civil war method.

    In this set up we have to lure the bunnymen into a kill zone.

    This kill zone will have grass tufts as the flooring though any long burn item can work. Set fire to something outside the wall, which will spread the fire to the tufts inside. The fire will then kill the bunnymen for you.

    Important note: This oven design is VASTLY different from "fire farms" in single player Don't Starve. Always be sure not to confuse the two. Fire farms do not work in DST. Period. We won't get into those here just to avoid confusion.

    The Catapult Method

    Our third bunnyman farm is a character specific one to set up, but anyone can run it:the catapult variant. This variant does not need carrots to begin a civil war, but does require a fair bit more set up and specifically Winona.

    The initial set up is very similar to our basic fenced in bunnyman farm from the first example. However, we will need to utilize walls that can not be broken from damage as the catapults AoE damage will hit walls and fences. In this example I've used end tables with skins as I think they look nice, but you can also use statues, fossils, or any other unbreakable walls that you can think of. You can see here how we've set up a kill box. We need to get the rabbits attention, you can do this by holding meat, using an ice staff, or simply being Webber or Wortox. Turn on the catapult and bask in the profit. The three main benefits of the catapult method are as follows:

    1) It's saves time cleaning up loot as it all falls nicely in a pile. 2) You're less likely to die due to player error (such as having meat or finishing the attack on a bunnyman) 3) The bunnymen will die faster and all at the same time, meaning that you can run the farm at the same time multiple days in a row without having to wait on respawns.

    That's it, enjoy your safer and faster food source using the technology of catapults.

    Before moving on to the loot, let's take a moment to address the Webber and Wortox mains who have gotten this far in a video text version of the guide and are likely thinking "Cool, but most of these don't help me." The non-catapult methods can be used with Webber and Wortox if they have a clever disguise from Wurt. This makes Wurt and excellent ally for those two who can really use the meat resources while giving the carrots to Wurt who buffs their food value by 33%.

    Now that we've seen 3 different ways to farm bunnymen, let's briefly go over a few ways that we can use the loot for profit and glory.


    Carrots will be farmed in such bulk that they make a great food to just eat to fill your hunger while at base or traveling. Because you get 2 for every bunnyman, be ready for many of these to just rot, as you're producing so many, it really just doesn't matter.

    They also act as half of the recipe for pierogis. Pierogis need 1 egg, any value of meat, a veggie, and a filler of one of the previous three, in this case, it is most often best to make with 2 carrots, 1 meat from the bunny farm and either via converting a meat from the farm into an egg via a bird cage, or used in conjunction with a monster meat farm and cooking that to convert into an egg. This will lose a large % of the food value, but give you a good spoilage time 40 hp healing food source to help in combat. Given how much food is produced by bunnymen farms, this is usually a fair exchange.

    During summer, you can use 3 carrots and one cactus flower to cook a flower salad. This is a slightly better healing food than pierogis because it is eaten twice as fast since it is not a meat item. You really need bundle wraps for this 6 day spoilage time recipe to actually be worth it however.


    My personal favorite method of using the meat is mass drying rack strategies. Jerky has long been recognized as one of if not the most valuable and powerful late game food sources. It has a exceptional shelf life of 20 days and when eating 3 a day (the amount needed to counter hunger drain) you also gain 60 hp and 45 sanity. All for the cost of 3 meat + time. While time is the most important resource in Don't Starve, sometimes it's better to front load the work if the reward that you reap is as amazing as jerky is. 60 hp is a lot of healing, and 45 sanity is 5 more than you will drain when spending an entire day in the caves. 45 sanity is also enough for all characters in the game to go from 0 sanity to high enough sanity to prevent themselves from being attacked by shadow creatures (even WX with his massive 300 max sanity needs only 45 sanity to prevent attacks).

    When combo'd with a honey farm, you can use 2 meat, or 1 meat and 1 monster meat with 2 honey to cook up honey ham. Honey ham has a very good shelf life and restores a full days food along with 30 hp. This great recipe has a decently large heal attached to it to heal off that incidental damage you may take from time to time, such as from cave ins or hound attacks.

    When combo'd with a monster meat farm, this meat can act as the one meat you need to turn 3 monster meat into bacon and eggs. Too cook bacon and eggs you need 1.5 meat and 2 egg value. This can be done with 3 monster meat if you cook two and turn them into fresh eggs, you just need half a meat more. Usually this is done in conjunction with a bird farm or moleworm farm since a morsel works just as well, but as we've seen how efficiently a bunnymen farm works, a full size meat is not much worse. Bacon and eggs has long been one of the most popular default recipes, restoring a full days hunger, healing 20 hp, and having an exceptional 20 day storage life.

    Bunny puffs

    Bunny puffs can be traded to the pig king for 2 gold nuggets each. A lot of pub games struggle to keep enough gold around and this can definitely fix that.

    Also of note, the extremely unpopular fur roll. This item turns time + food into hp and sanity at an exchange rate of 1 to 1. So 100 seconds sleeping and 100 food will heal 100 hp and sanity as well as increasing your characters temperature during winter. It is an outstanding item on Wormwood and to a lesser extent Warly while remaining a situational item on others. It has a negative stigma thanks to it's single player Don't Starve version which restores far fewer stats per food, but DST has massively buffed this item. While sleeping does "waste" time, if you are already just standing around a furnace warming up, you can trade some food to increase your warmth faster as well as increasing your hp and sanity. This is not an always use item, but if the situation should arise and you have the materials in bulk... why not?

    There are many other uses for these ingredients, these are just the ones I believe are the most important to know about and be able to use and adjust to depending on your games current circumstances. Let me know down below if you have any other ways that you use these materials frequently or situationally.

    submitted by /u/M-Otusim
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    Anybody willing to do metheus with me?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I want to get the ancient stuff

    submitted by /u/Charlieash13
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    My first year in iOS RoG!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    Crockpot and Foliage?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    Hello! I downloaded the crockpot recipe app and saw I could make a steamed ham sandwich with foliage, but when I try to add foliage to the crockpot Wolfgang declares, "bah useless". Am I using the wrong foliage? Is the app wrong? Is it the wrong game mode?

    submitted by /u/bekacooper240
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