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    Wednesday, June 10, 2020

    Don't Starve Customized my Nintendo switch dock and put a cute hound on it.

    Don't Starve Customized my Nintendo switch dock and put a cute hound on it.

    Customized my Nintendo switch dock and put a cute hound on it.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    No joke, me and my friend got in a lengthy discussion about the character’s and how time works in the constant.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:11 PM PDT


    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    To anyone that is okay with Pocket Edition controls... How?! I have been trying to place this wall in the right spot for the last 45 minutes. It's been the worst experince I ever had in DS. When I place a wall, this dumbass always places it wrong or he locks himself in.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:21 AM PDT

    Alrighty folks after playing 210 days 210x8 = 1680 minutes here is our killed boss statues collection. I know that for some of you who are the gods of dst it was a slow process but it is what it is.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 05:17 AM PDT


    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    Hey, guys, I wanted to buy don't starve (the megapack https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/12266/Dont_Starve_MEGA_PACK_2019/ ) for quite a while, however, I missed the sale periods, will there be another sale for Don't Starve and do you have an approx date?

    submitted by /u/_King_Phoenix_
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    I survived summer for the first time!

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    How to survive a year

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    I see A LOT of posts asking how to survive an entire year or people posting pics of their servers where they are in day 400+ and people commenting "I can barely get to winter".

    I've been playing this game for a while and I think I understand how to survive the first year. Maybe not killing every boss and clearing the ruins but not dying of starvation at least.

    I just want to give some general tips of what I do so I can maybe help some of you guys. I'm not a pro in this game or anything but I can survive the 4 seasons with no problem at all.

    I'm not saying THIS is what you MUST do, just what I do and works for me

    ** Spanish is my first language, keep that in mind if I say something wrong :)**

    *** It's going to be a long post***

    Tip N°1: This is a try > fail > die > learn game in my opinion. You start at Autumn but you don't play for Autumn, you play to prepare for winter and spring. During Winter you prepare for Spring and Summer and so and so.

    During the first 10-12 days I try to explore as much as I can, trying to discover the whole map and go into every wormhole if I can. This is much easier and faster if you play with more people, but let's pretend you play solo. During those days, just explore and gather resources. What resources? Well, something that would help a lot, I mean A LOT is going into a "testing server", you could download the mod "Fix for to many items" and you can get into creative mode so you unlock every recipe and see which materials it requires to build those things. This is going to help you understand which materials you have to collect and prioritize during the first days, because you may have your whole inventory full by day 4. It's not necessary to pickup a red gem or anything like that during those days. You can remember where you saw that and come back later to pick it up, because you won't need it anyways at the very beginning. Try to get as much basic resources as you can, like a stack of grass, twigs, maybe 2 stacks of wood, stone, and around 10 gold will do. With all that and your map discovered you have to choose a place to set your base. I tend to do it in the middle of the map, close to the portal because you usually get a wormhole there but also I find it to be closer to any biome. Remember to burn some trees and get around 40-50 charcoal while you are heading to your base location you chose.

    With that you can set up a basic base with:

    • firepit

    • alchemy machine

    • 1 ice box

    • 4-5 crock pots (fast cooking is very good)

    • at least 6 drying racks (more if you can, like 8-10)

    • bird cage and bird trap

    You'll be good with that. If you explored the map during the first 12 days and then spend the next 2 days maybe building your base, you will be at day 14 approximately. You have 7 more days until winter. Now you only need to get some winter gear. I assume you know where Beefalos are since you explored the whole map. Get a razor and go at dusk where Beefalos are. Wait till night and shave them when they are sleeping. I think you only need 6 wool and 6 silk to craft a Winter Hat. So you'll have to kill some spiders too. With that and a Thermal stone you should survive winter. You'll need to build some campfires maybe while you gather resources and your thermal stone gets colder.

    Now... Day 30 arrived. You know what's coming. Deerclops. Don't hate him, you must LOVE him. He drops the eyeball which you'll need to get in order to craft the Eyebrella. That item gives you 100% rain resistance. That's all the gear you need for Spring. Yeah, literally, that's all. But how do you kill him? Well, let's say you are VERY lucky and while exploring the swamp you saw like 60 Reeds all together and around the same amount of tentacles in there. That's called Reed Trap Set Piece. Don't be scared of that, you can walk on top of that and as long you don't stop, they wont hit you. You can lure Deerclops to that place and the tentacles will do the work for you. DON'T GET DEERCLOPS TO THE BEEFALOS. That's not a good idea because he can freeze them and literally murder them without getting hit almost. You don't want that. Let's say you didn't get the Reed Trap Set Piece in your game... Well, YOU have to do the work now.

    Deerclops fight:

    He has a long range attack that freezes you and does a TON of damage. So you want to get some protection gear first. 2 or 3 football helmets will be enough. And the best weapon in this case would be the Ham Bat. Best way to get it is feeding 4 Monster meat to a pig, he turns into a Werepig and you kill him. It'll drop Meat and Pig Skin, that's what you need to craft the Ham Bat. Also you should get some healing food. Pierogis would be GREAT. The recipe is simple: 1 meat/monster meat - 1 egg (feed meat to the bird in the birdcage to get eggs) - 1 veggie - 1 filler (berries/ice/whatever you want). Pierogis heal for 40. That's a lot, but Deerclops has a -400 sanity Aura so you'll need some Sanity food as well. Well drying meat will give you some Jerkys which gives you +15 sanity each I think, or you can eat some cooked green mushrooms for the same amount.

    Now to fight him, hit him 2 times and run to dodge his attack, remember it's a long range one. If you are fast enough you can hit him 3 times before dodging his attack. And thaaats pretty much the fight, remember to run a little bit when your sanity is getting very low and eat some Jerkys/green mushrooms to restore it and get back to the fight.

    Once you get over it, you have 5 more days until spring, a.k.a harvest season. Crops, grass, twigs, everything grows like 300% faster so, you should spend the last days of winter gathering grass tufts, sapplings and berry bushes with a shovel to plant them in your base. Once you get like 40 grass tufts, 40 sapplings and 30 berry bushes you're good. Plant them, fertilize and harvest all season long during spring. Improved Farms are reaaaally good, specially for Dragonpie.

    Ok, let's talk about food recipes now. Generally there's 3 main things here.

    •Dragonpie: Hunger +75 / Sanity +5 / Health +40

    Requires: 1 dragon fruit + 3 fillers (twigs or ice would be best)

    •Pierogis: Hunger +37.5 / Sanity +5 / Health +40

    Requires: 1 meat/monster meat + 1 egg + 1 veggie + 1 filler Example: monster meat+egg+carrot+ice

    •Jerky: Hunger +25 / Sanity +15 / Health +20 Put Meat on the Drying Racks and wait a few days (spring will prevent it because of the constant rain, will take a lot more time)

    Basically Dragonpie is a good source of Hunger and Health. Pierogi is good for healing. Jerky good for sanity and good overall.

    In order to make a full Dragonfruit farm you should wait to get lucky and grow a Dragonfruit from your farms and once you get it give the fruit to the imprisoned bird in the birdcage. It will drop a few seeds, and has a chance to give 1-2 Dragonfruit seeds so you repeat that process several times until you have enough Dragonfruit Seeds for each farm (8 improved farms would be good).

    You don't NEED to kill the Moose/Goose (spring boss). It's really good for the drop but it's a little bit tricky to fight it, so you could just avoid it. Spend the season harvesting and making your base bigger, add some structures, etc.

    So now, Summer... Worst season, harder and annoying one. The best way to get through it is during the last days of Spring, get to the Caves and start making a basic base there and spend the whole summer exploring the Caves and gethering things. Why? You can't overheat in the Caves and there is no Sandstorms and wildfires down there. Pretty good, huh? Ok but for some people (included me some time ago), the Caves were a threat. It's dark all the time and there are different monsters and things. Don't be afraid of exploring and being chase by EVERYTHING down there. But, what if you don't want to spend the summer down there yet because you don't feel prepared for it? Well, you can put your Thermal Stone in the Ice Box and grab it when you go outside your base like you would do during Winter, but inversely. Now you need it to cool you down. Also, the Eyebrella you got during Winter from killing Deerclops is gonna help you preventing the overheat. At the start of Summer, you could go to the Desert and grab Cactus, it will give you not only the Cactus but also the Cactus Flower, which you need 5 in order to craft the Floral Shirt (also requires 3 Silk and 3 Papyrus), that's gonna help with overheating too. Just understand that you are going to overheat anyways, like you would freeze in Winter but with all this gear you are delaying it, giving you more time to do stuff before you come back to your base or make a temporary campfire. When Summer starts remember to make an Endothermic Firepit, it cools you instead, but can't cook on it.

    Now the summer boss. Antlion. It spawns in the Oasis Desert, once it spawns it doesn't move from there. Once again you can avoid it like Spring boss BUT keep in mind that Antlion causes tremors below players every 30 minutes approximately. When you see the ground shaking a little bit, run away from your base or it'll destroy anything there. (Going into the caves prevents this mechanic from happening at all, so that good too, but instead it causes some boulders to fall on you, so keep moving as well there)

    This is what I did the first time I survived an entire year. I repeat, what I DID. I'm not saying this is HOW YOU SHOULD do it, but it works for me. Now that I got the hang of it, I make different approaches to each season and make more advanced stuff, but you don't NEED to do that. Remember it's all about surviving, it doesn't matter if you clear the ruins in the first 10 days of your game or in your third year. Take your time, just survive.

    I hope it helps you, at least knowing that worked for one of you guys already makes me happy!

    Feel free to ask anything or add anything that may help the others!

    Good luck to ya'll and survive the Constant!

    PD: I love you Deerclops.

    submitted by /u/Bessu_
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    This DST Video is Cursed

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    手工自製飢荒海怪軟陶泥教學 Sculpting Don't Starve Quacken - Polymer Clay (Fimo) Tutorial

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    Wx with a “perfect” face (I’ve made a hell spawn)

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    When a Woodie main sees a forest

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    I've finished my very first character mod for DST: Spinel from Steven Universe!

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    When Wolfgang steals your meaty stew.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    I found this feature or bug where you can only enter the boat with a walking cane. Is this a well-known feature and i'm just living under a rock, Or not a very well-known feature? Or perhaps a bug?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    Whitelist on a server?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    I have heard of a whitelist on a dedicated server, but I host through the game and don't have a dedicated server, is it possible to add a whitelist to a game hosted server?

    Edit: I think what I mean by game hosted server means Peer to peer, but I am not sure

    submitted by /u/LateToKarma
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    Just why Webber... Just why... Lol

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    Thoughts on base

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Unfortunately I don't have a picture but my girlfriend and I have set up base in the Oasis dessert. Just north of us is a bee hive area with a worm hole that leads right outside of the pig village, and just above that is the dragonfly dessert. To the bottom of us is an evergreen Forrest with a worm hole that leads to the swamp and just past the Forrest is our rock field. So the question we have is this a good place or should we move on. The two downsides I see is the sink whole is a bit of a walk away and there are no beefalo to get manure from that are close by.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Banch
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    How much flowers do i need per bee box in DST?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    title says it all

    submitted by /u/radst321
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    Is it viable to have the main base in caves?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    Started a new RoG run and figured that old places for the base were kinda tiring and boring to me, and I came up with this idea of placing my main base underground.

    Wondering if it's technically viable or should I just not be a cretin and place a base somewhere in the usual places.

    I rarely stay on base and I mostly just put stuff in chests and go outside exploring, so I don't really care about darkness and the sanity loss. And no, I don't plan on rushing Ruins.

    I'm also playing as Wes.

    submitted by /u/meldsher
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