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    Saturday, October 19, 2019

    Don't Starve Fire-Witch Willow

    Don't Starve Fire-Witch Willow

    Fire-Witch Willow

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 04:37 PM PDT

    i made emotes enjoy

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 04:30 PM PDT

    A low effort VvC meme I made

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    I was looking at some old drawings and found this Webber I made about a year ago

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 03:23 PM PDT

    Srah celebrates strength for MamaWhisky

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 01:57 PM PDT

    Here comes Wurt!

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 02:40 PM PDT

    Wigfrid :)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:22 AM PDT

    Abigail no longer follows me?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 03:59 AM PDT

    I'm playing as wendy in shipwrecked, and i had previously activated a touch stone. I died, and got ressurected at the touchstone. I managed to get back to the island i died at, but i realised Abigail wasn't following me anymore, and i now had the option to attack her, also she doesn't fight for me anymore

    is this meant to happen?? what do i do??

    submitted by /u/Desperate_Hornet
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    Hound noises are made by someone screaming into a kazoo

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:31 PM PDT

    That is all

    submitted by /u/ZentoZekto
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    So what ARE the "best" ways to do things? What do we all think?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:21 PM PDT

    There have been a bunch of posts over the past little while (and comment discussions) about the "best" way to do things, or at least how sometimes some methods are better than others. Places to base, ways to get resources, etc. Im usually one of the people who jump to say that there isnt "one correct" way to do things, but of course there are some strategies that are better than others. I was wondering, is there (or does the subreddit generally agree) truly a best way to play this game? I figured it could be a fun discussion and also people could certainly learn some things. Some thoughts of mine for starters:

    • Manure: useful resource for sure. Many new players hang out around beefalo to get these but that IS inefficient. I say the best way is to have a berry farm and then when you have some large stacks you transform a werepig (feed 4 monster meat to a pig) and plot it down beside the little guy who will eat the whole stack and turn it to manure. You can then leave if you dont want to fight or get the bonus of killing a werepig. I like manually transforming it as opposed to the full moon because im bad at paying attention to moon cycles, and I find it safer this way.
    • Twigs/grass/berries: I like to dig them up and make farms. After I have my first starting base I never pick any of these by hand, always shovel. I know I have seen many players opposed to this, citing tumbleweeds and whatnot as a better approach. I like my way because its consistent and reliable. Making little farms like this always results in me never worrying about these resources again (essentially unlimited and also fast to harvest), and digging up and planting takes so little effort/time that I think this is a good method. Space out your planting to protect from fires! Fertilizing isnt an issue given the near unlimited manure from the above point.
    • Charcoal: One trip early in the game to the biome with close together trees, burn the whole thing down, take a day harvesting=never need any again. There are plenty of trees in the world anyways.
    • Fuel: I mostly burn wood as I always have a surplus of it. Never charcoal as its more valuable in my mind, same with grass and most other things like that. Sometimes ill burn twigs as I have TONS of them, or pinecones because I never plant those types of trees anyways. later on when I have a massive surplus Ill also burn manure. As for flingos I usually fuel them with the same (learning you didnt exclusively need to use nitrite was an amazing discovery, dunno why I thought that).
    • Hound waves (and giants?): Of course there are the teeth traps; reliable, easy enough, and self sustaining later in the game. I find its also a lot of tedious work though. I have teeth trap fields but I tend to use them as a backup plan whereas I prefer to run the hounds around neutral mobs when given the chance. Resetting traps is annoying (especially on mobile!). Teeth traps for fire hounds though, so everything doesnt burn to the ground.
    • Summer: I am always underground. One day I plan on trying the surface during the summertime, but so far every time I tried it was a bad experience. Summer is the worst!
    • Ruins/underground: I like to just set up camp down there. I bring a birdcage and a bird, an ice box, firepit, crockpot, and lumber for chests. I set up a base in every cave and also in every ruin and use it as my launching point for the adventure. Initially this started as just a firepit and chest but its expanded since then, especially in the ruins as ingredients to make pirogi are soooo plentiful. I usually enter the caves/ruins and stay there till its entirely cleared, or close to it, instead of going in and out back to the surface world. I used to stockpile food to go into the ruins, but now I leave the ruins with a stockpile of food I made down there!
    • Sanity: The great tam-o-shanter is of course my go-to. Find it once and then you can cheaply repair it forever. If you have a TOS then you never need to worry about sanity again, or at least I dont. If you dont have the TOS then I mainly keep sanity up with Jerky (gotta be one of the best foods) which I have in great supply, and to a lesser extent other crock pot meals (taffy is good, making a lot of jam is super cheap although not much sanity). I know lots of people advocate for mushrooms and I use them, but I dont like having to rely on going around gathering them and remembering where they are (I never do), and what time of day I need to be there. I like being able to produce things on my own terms. Cacti are ok as my minimap tells me where they are lol. I dont tend to wear other dapper clothes other than the TOS, and when I dont have it I mostly just eat my way to higher sanity. Glommer also usually lives at my base beside the fire so whenever im at the base crafting or whatnot I chill next to him/her/it.
    • Healing: Does anyone make healing items, or just heal with food like me? Im like 99% just healing with food as its so easy to make a lot of good healing foods.
    • Light: I am 100% the miners hat. I saw a recent discussion on this but I cant see why people would choose an item that requires killing depth worms to recharge over one that can be recharged simply by harvesting light bulbs, OR fireflies, OR slime. The hat gives a decent radius of light and leaves my hands open to do other things like fight or harvest resources. I dont see any reason to use the lantern over the miners hat. Torches I never use past the first few nights or to light stuff on fire as the radius is too low, they dont last long, and they take up my hands.
    • Nightmare Fuel: I have never farmed this on purpose, or killed shadow creatures for the purpose of gathering it. I find just go into the ruins and run in circles for a few nightmare cycles and you will have all that you can carry without having to fight a single thing (the shadows all die after the cycle ends). Super easy peasy.
    • Tentacles: I use rock lobsters to the point its a crutch, I realize. Just get 2-3 of them and slowly walk back and forth across any swamp and they will walk over the underground tentacle, trigger it, and then kill it. I take a few game days and sweep a swamp and pacify it, killing all the tentacles, and then I have a stockpile of tentacle spikes that lasts for quite a while. Ill have to try this with other mobs, but I feel like they are so dependent on time of day, and weaker, so im not sure how well it will work. I dont think I have ever fought and killed a tentacle myself! Planting spider nests beside them is also another option but it tends to be slower and more annoying.
    • Weapons: From the above point, I mostly use tentacle spikes as I tend to have a huge supply of them. I think my current world I have about 50 sitting in a pile waiting to be used. Prior to that its spears because accessibility. I have never used the ham bat (which people recommend a lot) as how it looses strength as it rots seems annoying to me. I only just discovered the wonders of the dark sword and how easy it is to get living logs from poison birchnuts (much easier than treeguards I find) but I still primarily use the tentacle spikes.
    • Armor: From the start and for a very long time: log suit+ football helmet. Really all that you need. Later game I move to the thule crown when fighting groups of things, and I have just started using dark armor however its more annoying to craft than log suits (and expensive) so I only take it out when im doing more fighting than normal.
    • Food: General point. I find I just run around killing things and then have a crock pot party. I used to farm but that takes much more time and effort than just crafting some armor and going hunting. Lots of monsters you can also get to kill each other for extra ease. Over time I set up my world specifically for hunting; lots of pig houses/bunny/spiders spread out so they dont team up on my but close enough that its efficient to make a lap around killing stuff. Personally I kill stuff myself instead of making mobs do it for me as I find it easier and faster.
    • Crock Pot/recipes: all I use is perogi and bacon and eggs, mostly due to the ingredients and the spoil time/healing. Do people really use other recipes? I find that im healing enough that i never actually eat food for hunger, its already taken care of. I also use drying racks a LOT for jerky, I think its a magical and amazing food and also very easy to make without as much work as a crock pot.
    • Filler: Ice. I used to use berries, given that I have a massive farm of them in every world, but I find now that ice is better. Stored in the ice box it never spoils so its always ready to go, and you can easily mine more of it than you can use if you make a point of it.
    • All minerals/Spider loot: Cave run. I spend my summertime underground stripping the caves of everything and after that first summer I never want for minerals (rocks/gold/etc) and spider silk again, you get SO much! There are rock lobsters underground to easily help you kill the spiders/spitters and the web yield is incredible. I suppose that I also get webs when hunting spiders normally for monster meat, but my trips underground are what really builds up the supply. I get so many rocks underground I forget to do much mining on the surface.
    • Krampus: Of course killing Glommer works like a charm every time. The other way I farm krampus is I load up on boomerang supplies and wander around (winter) killing birds on mass, in an area with moleworms so I can also kill a lot of them. There are enough that you can sometimes summon Krampus a few times in one day while also getting a lot of morsels and also feathers to make blow darts (which are great for killing Krampus if your feeling lazy and dont want to get hit at all). Summon Krampus at night for bonus ease as he shows up and falls asleep, making it super easy to kill and if there are multiples you only need to fight one at a time at your leisure.
    • Walrus camps: Kill the hounds first (you will get hit by at least one blow dart) and then chase the dad walrus away until he gets too far from his home and suddenly stops fighting and slowly walks home; at this point you can kill him easily and he wont run or fight back. Likely a glitch as its too easy but it works! Alternately I use my own blow darts if I have lots which makes the whole ordeal super easy and fast; he only takes two hits and gives one back in loot so its cheap too.
    • I also always dig up every tree I cut down so my minimap is accurate for where I have trees. Just wondering if thats just me or a common approach.

    This already got WAY longer than I intended, so ill stop here lol. I hope I can learn something and/or teach someone something new!

    submitted by /u/HotAtNightim
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    DST - Generating a map with islands

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 01:20 AM PDT

    DST - Generating a map with islands


    I want to play the newest DST update (the one with boats and shit) on a map that'd have a couple of landmasses / islands **not** connected by any bridges. Is it possible to generate such a map somehow? If not, are there any mods, by any chance?

    Thanks in advance.


    submitted by /u/VlopPlop
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    Some of my old Don't Starve fanarts

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    The biggest starter island i've ever seen

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    Needles to say, I’m f*cked

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:31 AM PDT

    How to steal from shopkeeps?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:19 PM PDT

    I heard that they fall asleep at night, but that hasn't been happening for me. Anybody know how to do it?

    submitted by /u/MediumPotatoSeed
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    Do other people run out of gold? (Or: why are you basing near the pig king?)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 02:54 PM PDT

    So I frequently see people talking about making their base relative to access to the pig king. I can only assume this is so that you can use him to trade for gold, correct?

    This makes me think: do people run out of gold? I have never had gold issues (past the first few days when you have none of course) and I'm having a hard time figuring out why others would be. Is there something I'm missing? I make all my tools the gold versions and build all the usual base structures but I still have a whole chest sitting around overflowing with gold.

    In addition, I'm on day 550 right now and still plenty of gold stockpiled and still in minerals to find. Do people find trading with the king easier than just mining more gold?

    Just wondering all. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/HotAtNightim
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    Does anyone know how to change the acceleration of the sea legs?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    I haven't had any luck digging in the files, does anyone know how to change the acceleration to a normal from .5

    submitted by /u/eryahu
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