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    Thursday, March 25, 2021

    Don't Starve wx moment

    Don't Starve wx moment

    wx moment

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:55 PM PDT

    Rate my character. Her name is Betty and come up with perks for the game if you like, because I didn't come up with (@delassento)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:36 AM PDT

    Looming for some casual people to play a world with on ps4

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:48 PM PDT

    Pm me on discord its sourduckbill#7761

    submitted by /u/Severe_Nobody_5041
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    ummmmm.... I think this world is a keeper

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    Idea (Not Actually Part Of Don't Starve)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    In Don't Starve, we can eat butterflies. I had an idea. Different kinds of butterflies, like with the mushrooms. If you did not know, monarch butterflies are extremely poisonous. This is where the idea starts. Green Caps are good, Red is bad, Blue I am still confused on (Mushrooms, I mean). This is where the idea starts. 3 types of butterflies. Green is Tiger Swallowtail (Yellow and Black). Red is Monarchs (orange and black). Blue is the butterflies from DS Shipwrecked. (Blue and Black). This means if you do not have Shipwrecked, you have good or bad butterflies. Effects are the same.

    If you wanna know effects go to this site: https://dontstarve.fandom.com/wiki/Guides/Mushroom_Guide

    That explains what the butterflies do in my idea. So, any ideas to add on or take something off, I am taking them.

    submitted by /u/Kizana_Sunobu
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    Wells 4

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 12:12 AM PDT

    This is an updated version of my old character idea

    Wells, The Lonely Forager

    150 Health, 150 Sanity, 100 Hunger

    Expert Forager. Gathers Twigs and Cut Grass at 2x Speed and Berries, Mushrooms, Cave Lichen, and Cave Bananas at 3x speed.

    Has a Handy Multitool. Spawns in with a Multitool which allows him to craft anything in the survival tab at half the material cost. He can also use it as an extremely low quality Axe, Pickaxe, Weapon, and Fishing Rod. 10 chops to fell a small tree, 20 to fell a medium sized tree, and 30 to fell a large tree. 18 swings to break down a boulder 45 seconds for the fish to bite, and it does 17.2 damage. If equipped while gathering Cut Grass or Twigs there is a 33% chance to get double of the specific item has 100 durability and loses 2 from each Chop, Mine, Attack, or Fish loses 1 from each Survival tab item crafted and loses .5 from each double twig or cut grass

    Experienced in survival. Has access to the entire survival tab and can craft a variety of useful items including (in the survival tab)

    Survival Pack crafted from 6 Silk, 2 Rope, and 10 Cut Grass it has the mechanics of a backpack so you can't have it in your inventory and can only have it equipped in the body slot. It gives 12 extra inventory slots but each item inside decreases movement speed by 1%

    Survival Guide 4 Cut Grass and 2 Seeds similar to Wickerbottom's books and single player Maxwell's Codex Umbra but does not cause the player to lose sanity from using it each use depletes 20% durability and let's the player get double of a specific set of items from gathering them for 8 minutes items include: Cut Grass, Twigs, Berries, Mushrooms, Cave Lichen, Flint, Rocks, Gold Nuggets, Carrots, Logs, Living Logs, Pinecones, Birchnuts, and Cave Bananas cannot be used by Wickerbottom or Maxwell.

    Soothing Salve crafted from 3 Spider Glands, 4 Green Caps, and Charcoal and is similar to spider glands in which it has one use then is depleted but the difference is it gives 24 health and 50 sanity.

    Hunter Trap crafted from 2 Silk, 2 Twigs, and 2 Gold Nuggets it is similar to the trap but it's always as if there is a bait inside it so rabbits and carrats will always be lured to it.

    Warrior Balm 4 Spider Glands, 3 Honey, and 2 Mosquito Sacks again similar to the spider gland in which it has but one use except for the fact it gives 65 health.

    Pouch 8 Silk, 4 Rope, and 4 Papyrus. You can only craft 2 in a world and are not actual items but are crafted then instantly used not requiring an empty inventory slot to craft. Upon craft you get 2 inventory slots and your character gets a small pouch tied around it's waist and when you craft another another smaller one will appear both giving four extra inventory slots, they will stay on the character if you change your character via celestial portal but will not have the small pouch texture they keep vegetables and fruit from spoiling by 75%

    Handy Multitool crafted from 4 Flint, 5 Twigs, and 2 Cut Grass it is just a duplicate of the one you spawn in with to give to other players or if your original one broke. In the food tab he can craft the

    Advanced Rigamajig which is crafted from 3 Cut Stone, 1 Electrical Doodad, and 2 Gold Nuggets, similar to the original but has double the uses.

    Mushroom Plot can be crafted from 10 Rot, 16 Logs, and a Manure it is nearly identical to the mushroom planter but only requires rot to refuel it and takes 10 harvests before needing refueling.

    Has entomophobia. -25 Sanity per minute if 1x1 tiles near any of these: Bee, Butterfly, Fireflies, Mosquito, Lavae, -50 Sanity per minute if following are in your inventory: Bee, Butterfly, Fireflies, Mosquito, -100 Sanity per minute if 1x1 tiles near any of these Killer Bee, Grumble Bee, Queen Bee, Dragonfly, Antlion. Loses 30 sanity from using a bug net.

    Made a compromise. Treeguards and Poison Birchnut Trees are neutral to him. Even if he chops trees in front of them

    Has a weak stomach. Loses twice health and sanity from foods that that hurt health and sanity I.E: Eating monster meat will cause you to lose 40 health and 30 sanity. Has only 100 Hunger points. Uncooked Meat damages health by 10. Not including Freshwater Fish or Eel.

    Surprisingly Frail. All effects that cause slowness are +6.25% worse. Does not stack.

    Can use applied horticulture

    Birthday. May 7

    Motto. "It is better here"

    Odds Of Survival. Grim

    Favorite Food. Salsa Fresca

    Code. "wells"

    Appearance. Dark blonde hair with a small twig and leaf sticking out, grey shirt and dark grey shorts, brown shoes and brown rope wrapped around his waist, eyes similar to Willow's or Wendy's. Small black mark under under right eye.

    Voice: Unused wormwood voice

    ...Ideas for quotes? Anyone?

    submitted by /u/Deplizz78
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    Looking for someone to play with

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    I'm experienced and looking for anyone tbh; new or not. I'm on PlayStation.

    submitted by /u/Cowboy_Reeves
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    447 Days as Wilson, I'm done with beardo. What character would be the next step in the celestial cycle?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    Playing a solo dst world to get a feel for areas less familiar.

    So far I've looted the ruins up until the guardian which still lives, have stacks of thulecite and gems in chests next to the pseudo which I'm not sure how to efficiently spend and found the lunar island and bailed out yet to explore it properly.

    I have 20+ gears knowing the wx long game but am hesitant to spawn him because I know wigfrid make good, wolfgang hit good, warley cook good, and idk!! it's hard I guess in the long run I'm keen to take out the weaver, toad, crab etc. Besides antlion all upper world bosses and late game houndwaves are no hassles... caves and sea make me tense.

    tl:dr: indecisive af.

    submitted by /u/BookCedarFirCoal
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    Bringing up old lore. Winona's video: shadowed figure

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:07 PM PDT

    So as far as I've heard, the community seems to agree that the shadowed figure in Winona's video is Wagstaff. I'd like to disagree with a few points. Wagstaff "Seems to have brought himself there on purpose..." And also is essentially a fancy hologram of sorts in-game. In the Winona video, the person being pulled through the portal is clearly not wanting to be pulled through the portal. I'm sure the part that says "Wagstaff went missing the night of the fire..." Is a misdirect disguised by loose wording. Furthermore, I went digging into the audio files of Winona looking specifically for when she references another character by name. When inspecting the dedicated tenticle, she says "Hey Willow. Dare ya to eat it!" I almost wrote this off thinking that since she is only in ds TOGETHER, maybe she met Willow and has grown to know her, explaining the line. But then I looked at when Winona inspects an attacking Willow and she says "You're a regular workplace hazzard." That to me is a reference to what happened at Voxola. (One extra side note is we never see Willow enter the constant in her video.)

    My theory is, Winona was tracking these fires as a link to Charlie's disappearance when she ran into Willow. I'm pretty sure this was both helpful to her investigation, as well as heart-wrenching to meet an orphan with no home. I would assume Winona would take her in if not only temporarily. Continuing the investigation, Winona needed to go to work at the factory. Knowing that Willow tends to light fires and also assuming Willow told her about the shadows she is attacked by, it would be unlikely Winona would leave her in her home alone. I'm guessing Winona took Willow to work, and Willow is the one getting pulled through the portal.

    I would love to hear any thoughts.

    submitted by /u/RiaenWilow
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    Is marble armour as good as it seems?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:41 PM PDT

    Today I finally beat Deerclop for the first time just because we (me and 1 friend) tried the marble armor (he was playing maxwell and I was playing wolemorm, a mod character). We didn't even have to kite, we just tanked our way to victory and didn't even loose half HP. Just to clarify wolemorm is no good at fighting (just 100 HP IIRC, cannot wear a helmet and no bonus damage, just a ridiculous speed boost when low on sanity that I used only to run away from the living nightmares that spawned after the fight). Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/monkeywarrior03
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    i was just playing on my own and by some reason Maxwell didn't disappeared like usual...

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    I need advice

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    I recently got the don't starve 2020 mega pack on console (though my internet's kinda bad so I only got rog installed right now)

    After a few days of playings and finally making it to winter without rog turned on only to die ten seconds into winter because both a hound wave and because I built my base on the coast a bunch of weird penguins jumps on and accidently bit one trying to fight the dogs Which of course resulting my already cramped base turning into a slaughter house

    Away from that My current run decided to try and play a character that wasn't Wilson and make to sure to have reign of Giants turned on so I start with Wendy everything's going decent but I'm struggling to find gold spawned next to a whole bunch of rabbit holes so I made a bunch of traps and that supplied with a decent amount of food plus berries and the such

    A bit later I find the pig king for the first time I'm like yay then I find glommer also for first time well I find his statue with the pan flute and the such right next to it though theres a catcoon I'm the type to do research before hand for games like this...and from what I knew catcoons will kill glommer so I'm like ok I need to build walls around glommer I know glommer spawns at night when the catcoon is a sleep but it's also right next to the pig King and well warepigs are a thing so I figure that might make it difficult So I good look for gold to finally make a science machine and alchemy whatever to make walls chests and everything else I still need

    So I go down the road next where pig King is ...then I keep going down the road I find beefalos yay another first .....I fallowed all the joining roads hell even jumped into a wormhole...NO GOLD ANYWHERE NOT EVEN ANY TRINKETS TO GIVE TO PIG KING FOR GOLD...

    Anybody got any advice

    Tldr: I can't find gold and I looked absolutely everywhere I should mention I found most of this in either Savannah's and birchnut forests

    submitted by /u/miletil
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    Don’t Starve Together on Xbox One

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:12 PM PDT

    Is Don't starve together worth buying on Xbox one? I'm considering buying it and wondering how the game plays and how good are the controls?

    submitted by /u/RllyTho0220
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    Is there a way that can help me find a missing Chester?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    Recently started world that I wanna keep but while exploring i put all valuables inside of chester, i logged out for the night then played again in the morning but forgot to pick up the eye bone in the forest biome which is a lot bigger than usual. So I basically lost him and want to know is there's a way to find him or a mod that can help.

    submitted by /u/LaStyles
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    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    looking for someone to play dst with on steam.

    submitted by /u/Boets01
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    Is there anyone discussing lore anymore.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:05 PM PDT

    With some of these updates to dst, there has to be a group somewhere talking about lore. I haven't seen a lore video on youtube in years. Is everyone over it or am I just not looking in the right place?

    submitted by /u/RiaenWilow
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    I haven’t played in six years how much do you figure it’s changed?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:32 PM PDT

    I plan on playing DS tonight (without SW or hamlet) am I in for a surprise?

    submitted by /u/redspextr
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    Anybody down to play on a new world? (Don't starve together PS4)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Literally none of my friends currently have dst, so I was wondering if a few of you guys would want to start a world and see how far we can get? No rollbacks, and a survival world? Comment your playstation username below so I can add you, ill make the world and invite you when you are online.

    submitted by /u/NoobD3veloper
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    My world got auto-regenerated (DST)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    My world got auto-regenerated (DST)

    Today I wanted to play on my world, as usual, I started the server and a Lua error appear I disabled all of my mods and tried to get back into the world but when I was about to enter I saw this I was on day 275 and I was playing Warly, is there any way to get my progress back?


    submitted by /u/MatXav
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    tried to do my oc in dst world and made this.hope it fits and you guys like it

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    Ain't much but it's honest work (sanity)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:38 PM PDT

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