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    Sunday, March 22, 2020

    Don't Starve Why

    Don't Starve Why


    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    [ART] Wish you were here

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    A russian guy on Klei Official Serwer built a wall around the spawn and summoned a bunch on tentacles inside, killing anyone who enters.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    *dances menacingly*

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:19 AM PDT

    Drew Wortox for the first time hope you like it !

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    Wigfrid mains be like

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    i gave Jack a makeover

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Stupid bug gets what he deserves

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    First time summer cave

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    Hey guys, so ive been playing alot lately with alot of free time on my hand and have been doing really good currently on day 59! (personal best) Anyways, i had never made it to summer before so i thought id make a cave base since i head there was no overheating inside caves during the summer, but i am? Does anybody know why? or was a wrong and there is overheating in caves? please help i dont want to die and i dont have anything prepared for summer at all!

    submitted by /u/sadness_compressor
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    Spent the last three days waiting for Deerclops to spawn and we noticed we got our first world to day 100 together

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:23 AM PDT

    I just want to share my good fortune!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    I'm playing RoG as Wickerbottom. It's day three, and I found a green mushroom fairy ring in the swamp. Literally right next to it is the reed trap. I'm feeling pretty good about this world... :-)

    submitted by /u/CaptainShoeb
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    Recommend a main

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    So I've been playing DST/DS on and off for a year and I've cycled through playing wilson,wigfrid,Winona, and, wickerbottom. But I'm curious on what your guys input is on who I should main im just not looking to main wes,wurt,wormwood, or wortox. But please feel free to lemme know you recommend.

    submitted by /u/xdclout
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    Efficient lure plant farm by u/ABRB2011

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    I was just casually strolling out of my outpost next to the entrance for the first time hoping to find some bunnymen, and i stumbled upon this. How is it even possible?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    I need A Character Idea

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    I Was Planning On Making A Don't Starve Character For My Youtube/Twitch But, I'm Alittle Stumped On What I Should Make, If Someone Can Give Me Some Ideas That Would Be Wonderful! If I Like The Idea, I Will Promote You The Next Time I Stream!

    submitted by /u/V0BIAS
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    Performance Issues

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    I have a pretty beefy computer and to seem to get frame drops near my farms is there anything I can do other than having smaller farms to fix this.

    Specs: I7-7700k-HQ 1060m 6gb 256gb SSD

    submitted by /u/Gregpaul84
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    How do I fix this? :(

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    things to do after first year

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Hey guys, my friend and i've created a world and we got to the second summer.We know that this game is unlimited and you can do whatever you want, but we'd like you to give us some marks telling us what we are supposed to do next(we've beaten all seasonal bosses).Thank you!

    submitted by /u/roman_i_r
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    Question about new releases (maybe)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Will or has Kiel announced anything about making a DTS pocket edition? I really wanna play on my phone as my laptop is shit rn but I dont wanna buy the single player edition if later on there will be a multiplayer pocket edition.

    submitted by /u/vdeksha
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    How do I enable voice chat on PS4?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    I was playing DST on the PlayStation4. I noticed people were using the voice chat, and I wanted to be able to use it as well.

    I plugged some earphones, which have a microphone, into the controller. This automatically turns on the voice chat on Apex Legends, but it didn't work on DST. I figured you have to manually turn it on. How do I do that?

    submitted by /u/The1GiantWalrus
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    Reworked Warbucks concept

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    I had a few ideas for a character, but I didn't know how to create a new hunter character who would fit the themes as I'm not very good at art, so I decided to make this a concept to introduce a reworked Warbucks into DST, (although I will be changing most everything, I just like his character) as his original title was "the gentleman hunter"

    For his base stats he would sit at 150 health, 120 hunger, and 200 sanity.

    His character description would read as follows: Is an experienced hunter Is an inexperienced survivor Takes time to learn

    He starts off with a blunderbuss, three whackrocks and a golden whistle.

    His main aspect is that he's an experienced hunter. He had four unique items he can craft in the survival tab. Firstly, I would be introducing the blunderbuss from hamlet back into the game with some adjustments, and only craftable by Warbucks, and other characters would say that "I have no idea what to do with this". The Blunderbuss could now be loaded up with rocks to deal 50 damage, flint to deal 60, whackrocks to deal 150 or gunpowder for 200 and splash. Warbucks could craft the blunderbuss for 3 gears, 6 gold and 2 planks, and it has 50 uses, though at 0% it just sits in your inventory waiting to be refuels with gunpowder, restoring 25 uses, or snurtle slime, restoring 5 uses. Whackrocks aware crafted with four sticks, 2 stones and a rope, and they're only used as ammo

    He can craft "cover scent" and "monster cover scent". Cover scent lasts 30 seconds and is craftable with 3 manure and 3 grass, and makes it so that neutral mobs, such as rabbits and koalephants won't run away from you upon approaching, though it comes with a 10 sanity per minute drain while you have it on. Monster cover scent can be crafted with three monster meat and two guano, and makes hostile mobs neutral towards you, (though they can't be befriended, mobs locked onto you won't de-aggro, this includes hound waves, and bosses won't be tricked) for 45 second for a 50 sanity per minute drain.

    His final exclusive craft, and the one I've probably made the least balanced is the golden whistle. Crafted using 4 sticks, 2 gold and 3 hounds teeth, this is a single usage item that will summon a loyal hound with a gold collar, whose stats are equal to that of a regular hound. This hound will however follow you around and fight whoever you fight. The catch though is that it has 150 hunger, draining at 1 per second. At below 75 hunger it will start to attack targets without you prompt and eat food left on the ground, at below 15 hunger it will be neutral towards you, and will still let you feed it, although it won't follow you or fight alongside you, and at 0 hunger the collar drops off and it becomes a regular hound. You can stack summoned hounds, although each consecutive one after the first increases all loyal hounds hunger drain by +1 per minute.

    In addition to all this hunts appear 1.5x more often to him, he gains 3 sanity for each uncovered dirt he finds, and identifies it on the fifth one, (saying either; "meat ahead", "a terrifying beast came this way" or "Is this wool?", Signalling koalefant, Varg and Ewecus respectively) allowing players to back out if they want, although you face a 30 sanity loss for abandoning a hunt.

    That's it for his upsides, now for his downsides

    He's used to a life of luxurey and unfair hunting, so is far from prepared for the harsh, unforgiving imprisonment of the Constant. He's handy with a gun, but not so much with basic tools. He chops, mines and uses melee weapons at 0.6 times the speed of the other survivors, though with every 100 chops of an axe, 50 swings of a pick and 100 strikes of a sword (on a hostile mob, so no farming Chester) he increases this by 0.1 per each task, up to being equal to the other survivors. When prototyping something he take 8 seconds, and consecutive crafts take 6 but after crafting 5 times he can do it at the same speed as the rest. He also takes an additional 3 seconds to get a fire lit upon placing a campfire, firepit etc. and this can't be improved.

    So that's my concept for a reworked Warbucks. I'd love for any feedback as I tend to make characters a bit too OP. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/FinnGisavirgin
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