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    Saturday, February 27, 2021

    Don't Starve Looking for Game DST - February 27, 2021 - Find some friends to play DST.

    Don't Starve Looking for Game DST - February 27, 2021 - Find some friends to play DST.

    Looking for Game DST - February 27, 2021 - Find some friends to play DST.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 05:01 PM PST

    Hello, post a comment if you are looking for people to play DST with, don't forget to mention your platform. If you missed Meme days you can head to https://www.reddit.com/r/DSTmemes/.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    It happened to all of us

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:35 PM PST

    After 1322 days we finally killed every boss ! I love this game <3

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:43 PM PST

    Thank u/Azurefuzzball75 for doing some really nice colors on my sketches

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 05:50 PM PST

    I have a bug where krampus doesn't go away. I can't damage him, and he doesn't attack or move. Is there any way to get rid of him??

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:14 AM PST

    why are rabbits so useless?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:58 PM PST

    other than the larger versions (bunnyman) there is nothing that they do better than beefalo. food is super easy to get, by winter time people already have everything they need, but at most you can hunt them for them as a food source in the winter, and that's about it. you build the magical device with them and there is no other use for them unlike many other animals in the game. the clothes they give (a hat if I recall) is useless because beefalos give a much warmer version.

    how come rabbits were never updated to be more useful? like maybe allow players to breed them, forget creating more rabbit holes. let us put them in cages or in a closed area so they breed and create more rabbits, make it cost a lot so it doesn't break the game balance (this game has no balance anyway once a player knows what he's doing)

    submitted by /u/NeonAndCat
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    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:39 PM PST

    I'm new to speedruns. Is there any way to know the leaderboard other than "speedrun dot com"? I mean, the records there are a kind of weird...

    submitted by /u/s1nuso
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    Connection problems on PS

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:40 AM PST

    Is everyone on PlayStation having a problem joining non official servers? Every server besides the official Germany servers are showing ??? Where the ping is.

    submitted by /u/RetardedTrumpFan
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    Cant make a world dont starve together

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:31 PM PST

    Me and my friends just bought the game but when we make a world it gets stuck on generating world

    submitted by /u/BurningBacon101
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    Character models

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:44 PM PST

    Hello, I'm looking to find high res character sheets/models used in the game. Every time I try to google for these I get irrelevant results.

    submitted by /u/windir_1184
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    dumb questions about world hopping

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:53 AM PST

    1: how does the crafting item generation work? like does the skyworthy item generate only in a rog world? and seaworthy only in rog and sw? the wiki seems to have no answer or I'm blind

    2: if u build a teleportato after creating a sky/seaworthy does it stay linked to the previous world or the new one u generated w the teleportato?

    3: if u have a save file for each world type they all link together to become 1 save file correct? this would be the only way to use presets for each world?

    4: does time in all worlds progress together or independent? like spending X days in sw causes time to move forward the same amount of days in rog?

    5: can u build ur own pig city in any world type or only ham?

    submitted by /u/DlVlDERE
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    Generally, I have to resist the urge to coconade the heck out of Pogs.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:53 AM PST

    The more I play Webber, the more I get ticked off by these guys. Seriously, they attack you right at the beginning of a run (if there is one nearby) while you are on the ground, let me use my shamlet mask first reeee

    But to be frank, the reason I dislike these guys isn't that I have trouble dealing with them or they rummage through all my shit (which never happened to me since I always cork barrel outside) or that they follow you for quite a bit in their biome, it's their damn animations and how their eating works.

    Look at them. They think they are so goddamn cute, they bounce around, they walk like they are in a fashion show, they freely eat monster meat out of all the things they eat and they don't get food poisoning. It's almost as if these things are mocking you by executing eating_sound.mp3 everytime they eat seeds off the ground.

    The things are also easily manipulated with food like pigmen, so far their best use, give em simple foods and they will follow you. You can even make them fight each other lol (and they even eat their remains imao)

    And one more thing, the reason I get the urge to commit coconade against the enemies of wildlife is because I stop thinking when I do try fighting one, always do 2 hits before kiting but I do 3 because I'm an idiot grgrggrgrgrgrg

    TLDR: Pogs are annoying and have a good amount of animations and sound effects that feel like they are mocking you. At least they are'nt arsonists like pig guards though

    (P.S: I enjoy Hamlet, I just notice more take than give in some aspects of the game, an example being Humid Season.)

    submitted by /u/XotilaterChocolater
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    Someone help me!!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:42 PM PST

    So for information i have just bought Don't Starve Together Console Edition. And whenever i try to start my first world, it gets stuck on generating world i have tried reinstalling the game i have tried restarting the game, and nothing works so i came here to see if there's any fix.

    submitted by /u/Sukk-ma-nuts
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    What are the big issues with Don't Starve on the Switch?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:42 AM PST

    I'm looking into modding it and might have a crack at fixing some bugs while I'm at it.

    submitted by /u/catinterpreter
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    My stuff vanished

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:01 AM PST

    So I have world on wich I have rushed the ruins in autumn, ofc I left some gems and thulecite and some random items at the ancient pseudoscience station. And now It's first summer, I'm back at the ancient stationn to craft lazy explorers and there is nothing except one football helmet and rot. So anyone have an idea where did my stuff could go? (I chcecked it im console and they aren't in any moleburrow nearby or something they just vanished)

    submitted by /u/Glittering_Ad_675
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    Can I run DST?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:57 AM PST

    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz

    Video Card
    Intel(R) HD Graphics

    4.0 GB

    Operating System
    Windows 10

    submitted by /u/Icing_On_Cake
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    Could you tell me how to open dedicated server on another os? (linux, devian etc.)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:58 AM PST

    In these days, I'm searching for ways to open dst dedicated server using google cloud. I found the youtube video as a result of that.


    In this video, that guy used windows as server os but I have a free trial account and the free trial account can't use windows as os.

    So I had to use another os based on linux but I've never used os like that.

    If it's possible, could you tell me how to run the dst dedicated server on devian or any os that you recommend? And if I run the server on that os which version I should choose?

    submitted by /u/hs_pushed
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    Basic question about Walter/Woby

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:18 AM PST

    I've been playing Woodie for a while now, but I'm thinking of switching over to Walter. I'm wondering something about Woby. I know if you feed him, he can get big and you can ride him, but what if you never feed him? It says he's invincible, so it sounds like he can't starve to death or anything, right?

    submitted by /u/knellerwashere
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    Which PC version does the Switch port currently best match up with?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:50 AM PST

    I'm looking into modding the Switch version and interested in terms of compatibility.

    submitted by /u/catinterpreter
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    No giant warning

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:22 AM PST

    Everything was going fine. Until spring arrived. five days into the season and Moosegoose made an appearance WITHOUT ANY PRIOR WARNING !

    I didn't get verbal/audio warning and thankfully, I heard her honk as soon as she spawned because I didn't get away from my base and found her trying to bash my wall.

    Every other time I was about to be chased by anything that gave you a warning prior to the spawn, everyhing went smoothly.

    Is this a bug ?

    submitted by /u/Smootcharoo
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