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    Monday, July 6, 2020

    Don't Starve It's Monday Meme - July 06, 2020 -, the day for all Don't Starve related memery!

    Don't Starve It's Monday Meme - July 06, 2020 -, the day for all Don't Starve related memery!

    It's Monday Meme - July 06, 2020 -, the day for all Don't Starve related memery!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    Today is the day you are allowed to post don't starve-related meme on /r/dontstarve so go wild!

    Remember to stay cordial and that the rules (including the spam rule) are still in place.

    If you are too busy today you can still post meme in the Super Meme Thread posted tomorrow or head to https://www.reddit.com/r/DSTmemes/ for even more Memes!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Sad ghost girl is best girl

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    I made a don't starve series poster....Who do you think should be cast of klei made this a reality?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    I'm planning to do an 100 day Hamlet challenge with Wagstaff, similar to u/Sugawolf 's. This is the thumbnail, how does it look?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    New player here (5h or so), Playing Wolfgang, this whole map has 12 berry bushes and 4 carrots, how do i get food if im already pretty much starving ? cause desert has buffalos, but i wont win vs a single one with a spear and wood armor. Any tips appreciated

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    I tried drawing Woby, Opinions?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    So, there's this world. It's fantastic.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    I Drew Wendy as Promised now give me your upvotes. The next Drawing will probably be either Charlie or Wilson well see

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    Help a survivor out

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:48 AM PDT

    I'm playing as wigfrid because i find her easier to use amongst the other characters. However, i can't get by one season at all. This goes no matter which character i use but Wigfrid helps me reach at least day20+ more often than other characters (that's why i favor her) i've been playing for a week now but still can't quite progress. Can you help me out by laying down mini goals, tips, tricks, and stuff that will help me. Probably what i should prioritize in building, where to base with wigfrid, do's and dont's, etc.

    submitted by /u/dubu0976
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    I spawned a little girl???!?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    So I play mobile, and I got a bee stinger from killing a bee. I didnt need it so I went to drop it but it acted like a pinecone, like I had the option to "plant" the stinger. I'm like "oh that's odd let me try, I wonder what planting a stinger does" and planted it and then a random redhead lil girl spawned and is following me around. She doesnt follow consistently, like she doesnt move constantly, she stands in place and when I move far enough away she starts running after me and continues to do so until she catches up. She doesnt attack anything for me, shes kinda just there? Occasionally text comes over her saying "are you hungry?" Or "I like you". And shes pretty cool, I'm kinda new to the game, but yeah she has 2000 health and im not gonna try and kill her, she seems chill. But im just confused on why the hell shes here and who she is? And I havent been able to find anything online about her either..

    I have screenshots but uh, it wont let me attach them. If u guys wanna see them or know a way I can put them on this post, let me know. Thanks

    Edit: the pictures of the game.

    Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/pRvN6ZT

    I've been messing with it more since I first posted this, I also made a save with the pyromaniac chick and planted the stinger and the same thing happened but it was a clone of her??? And when u go to open it or whatever it says "turn on" which gives it random clothes, and u can turn it off which leaves the sprite normal. But I cant find a way to just turn the whole thing off and I thing my game is screwed.. Also yeah some of you mentioned a mod, and I downloaded it as a mod but from what I could tell, the mod features were optional and could be turned on and off from the home menu. I keep them off, I just wanted to play dont starve for free because my sister wont let me play it on her console. I didnt really want to play a modded version, I wanted the usual experience u know. But I guess the mod I downloaded does its wacky mod fuckery automatically..... I'm guessing that's what happened, although the mod never said anything about having chester or whatever turn into a girl? Like idk maybe I didnt read the digital fine print or somethin.. It never said anything except the average description for every app on the mod thing. So idk, I guess that's what I get for illegally downloading huh. If this isnt just some weird game feature and is actually just me getting a shitty foriegn version of the game then I'm gonna have to suck it up and start my weeks of progress all over with the real game this time damn.

    submitted by /u/Alfred_Jones_feels
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    What are the audio files for bearger and deerclops warning sounds?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    I can't find them anywhere.

    submitted by /u/smilingbot123
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    Quick question: Do no eyed deer respawn?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    New to Game and bought Mega Pack 2019 on Sale

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    As you can see, I bought the Mega Pack for Don't Starve and it included, dont starve, dont starve together, hamlet, shipwrecked, and reign of giants. The last three are called DLCs I guess and I have the option to play with them, I have about 30 minutes in the game so far and I really like it. I came here to ask how much time I should play the original and how I should play each DLC. Which one is the best and how many hours do you guys have in the game and whats your favourite part? Also any tips for the game?

    submitted by /u/buzzlightyearsr
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    Penguins made my base there home, I already almost hit them twice is there a way to get them away (in this picture it doesn’t show but the ice field in right in the farms)

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    anyone want to play together

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    just want someone to play with

    submitted by /u/mamamianicetoseeya
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    My first summer

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I'm not sure if this is the appropriate way to ask for opinions, but if not please let me know and I'll make sure I'll do it right and delete the post.

    I've acquired DST with some of the DLCs a few time ago. Recently I started to consume a lot of content about the game as I decided to start playing it more regularly. I'm playing in my own server, alone.

    This said, I'm around day 60 and about to reach my last season (for me it's summer since I started in autumn) and having some mixed feelings about what to do.

    I've made some research and after checking my inventory, chests and map I came with the following ideas:

    1. Grab my food and build a basic camp (ice-box, crock-por, a few chests and a fire pit) in the caves, settling there for the whole summer (gatter resources for rabbit huts and explore caves map).
    2. Since I have a lot of ice, gears and killed two moose goose during spring i can build either luxury fans, fling-o's or both. I'm actually afraid of this one, it might require a lot of resources which I'm not sure if I'm willing to spend already and I'm not really sure if it would work or is the best strat.
    3. Establish myself inside the oasis (in the oasis desert), build a basic camp and try to fish for the googles and fight the Antlion (I'm not sure of cool strategies for this fight or if I'm eve nready for it)
    4. Choose either one of the aforementioned locations as my second base (I have a wormhole to oasis desert really close to my camp and multiple entrances to the caves) and try to avoid spending too much time on surface while still keep working on my base.

    PS: I'm aware of strategies to cool my temperature, like endothermic fire + thermal stone, straw hats, eyebrellas (Mine is almost worn off but I can use a sewing kit to repair it). I'm actually more worried about spontaneous combustion on my base camp and my pig farm.


    submitted by /u/MrBadjo
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    some character ideas for a hypothetical homestuck intermission mod

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:23 AM PDT


    itchy 01 (can speed up time for himselft) press a button to go fast

    doze 02 (can slow down time for himself) press a button to go slow

    trace 03 (sees a red 'past trail' behind people that shows where theyve been and what theyve been doing) sees a past trail behind all players, and every time they stop to do something instead of just walking it shows them doing the thing

    clover 04 (the luckiest man in existance) attacks have a 90% chance of missing, never triggers spider dens, killer beehives, or spider dens unless he attacks them, always gets rare drops, always gets cool rare shit from the shadow gifts

    fin 05 (sees an orange 'future trail' in front of people that shows where they will go and what they will do) no idea how this would work, open to ideas

    die 06 (has a voodoo doll with pins coressponding to the rest of the felt that when he puts a pin in the doll it transports him to a timeline where that felt member is dead) spawns with a doll that, when interacted with, brings up a list of options. each option is "insert [player who has died at least once]'s pin", with one option for each player on the server. when die inserts the pin, he teleports to a random one of the corresponding players corpses, with there being a slightly higher chance to teleport to a corpse with drops. you can then click on the doll and remove the pin to go back to where die was before interacting with the doll.

    crowbar 07 (has a crowbar that breaks jujus (nearly indestructable magic items)) spawns with a crowbar that does massive damage, but only to other felt members (still does decent damage to non felt players and mobs)

    snowman 08 (if she dies, the universe ends) if she dies, the server resets (can be turned off in mod configurations because im not evil)

    stitch 09 (has a bunch of fabric effigies corresponding to each member of the felt. when a felt member gets injured, the injury shows up as a rip on the corresponding effigy witch stitch can sew up to heal the wound) can craft fabric effigies, witch work like meat effigies but without the max health penalty

    sawbuck 10 (when injured he teleports to a random spot on the timeline with whoever hurt him) maybe teleports to a random place on the map with his attacker when hurt?

    matchsticks 11 ( can use fire to time travel) can walk into fire to teleport to any other fire present anywhere on the map

    eggs 12 (has an egg timer witch can be used to summon doomed clones) has an egg timer that can be used to spawn clones to attack en masse

    biscuits 13 (has an oven that contains a pocket dimension) has an oven that, when carried, doubles inventory space

    quarters 14 (has a set of coins with one felt members number on each side. when flipped, the coin will summon the felt member whos number is on top. if the number is that of the felt member who flipped it, they will die) spawns with a coin that can be flipped. if it lands on heads, a random player within the server will be summoned. if it lands on tails, quarters will die

    cans 15 (can litterally punch you into next week) if he attacks a mob without a weapon, that mob will vanish and reappear 7 in game days later

    midnight crew

    spades slick spawns with an ace of spades card that turns into weapon horse hitcher when equipped has some form of shadow magic (maybe summoning shadow creatures to attack at the cost of his sanity?)

    clubs deuce spawns with a two of clubs that turns into weapon bull p**** cane when equipped has a character exclusive explosives crafting tab has some form of shadow magic

    diamonds droog spawns with a three of diamonds that turns into a cuestick when equipped has some form of shadow magic

    hearts boxcars spawns with a four of hearts that greatly increases the damage done by his weaponless attack when equipped

    im open to critique on all this

    submitted by /u/bard_of_space
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    How to not go insane on Mobile?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Howdy folks

    I'm on mobile and I've died 3 times due to insanity. How do I bring my sanity up? I've read that eating cooked meat does it. That didnt work for me. What's going on? Please help.


    submitted by /u/CoolWizard88
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    Wortox worth it on ps4?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    He seemed like a fantastic character but looking at gameplay on ps4 the teleport range is always set, all the videos are from a year ago so can you manually change the distance now? Hook a keyboard and mouse up to ps4? Is he even worth it on console? Thanks

    submitted by /u/SirFancyBread
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    Weird Glitch that skips time?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    So, I went down in a sinkhole during a full moon on day 10, and once I got into the caves, it became day 21? So now Winter is here which sucks. I heard that solo don't starve had bugs, but are the bugs like these? Also, is there anyway to reverse time now or am I just stuck with what I have.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway962871
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    Teleportado in SW world linked w/ ROG [Switch]

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! If I use a teleportado in a SW world that is already linked w/ a ROG world, will the new Seaworthy already be linked to the old ROG world? If not, can I link it to the ROG world despite it being previously linked to a different SW world?

    There's a bug on the Switch version that when traveling via Seaworthy, current followers may duplicate and sometimes enter the world you're traveling to. That happened with Packim, where every time I travel with the seaworthy (even if I'm not carrying his fish bone), he duplicates, including items inside. Anyway, it happened with Rock Lobsters, where I now have rock lobsters inside of my SW world and they're multiplying and I am unable to kill them, and I fear that they will overpopulate my map, so I want to travel via Teleportado and reset my world, but I don't want to risk unlinking my ROG world. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you!

    submitted by /u/trroyyc
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    Is the story/adventure mode worth buying dont starve?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    I've played DST with friends a few times now and in researching came across an apparent story and adventure mode. Is it worth buying dont starve when I already have dont starve together?

    submitted by /u/MisguidedColt88
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